Developer Update

This will always spark some controversy but the changes to the new chapter aren't all too positive at all.
I'll start with the things I agree with; Executioner being reverted back - absolutely, I saw this one coming it is a bit ridiculous. Then we also have the change to Soma's toolbox perk - I agree. However, the changes have turned what was looking to be an exciting perk to use into a perk that seems redundant in use. This is just extremely sad. It needed a change as it could be incredibly strong in the worst way but this change has made it practically pointless.
Lastly the stuff I really disagree with, the BUFF to Singularity. I know it's only the perks but are we seriously saying this killer needed these? He's fun to go against & play as, he seems quite balanced against higher level players & op against less experienced players sure but in my opinion that's a huge positive. I don't think buffing the perks was too necessary given that you've nerfed the survivor perk into the ground already & after the last mid-patch killers have had way too much strength anyway. I know we can't all agree that the game is one side or the other & I'm a survivor main it would seem these days & can honestly say it's survivor sided but killers dictate the pace & can be a real factor in how fun the game is & when they get buffed so much while survivors get nerfed into oblivion the game will very quickly become unfun.
I don't know it's just my two cents, I think overall it's not much of a difference that matters but I just wanted to say how I felt.