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Survivor Perk ideas

Geography - You checked every key point on each location to complete the puzzle in detail.

After repairing generators for a total of 500/400/300%, Geography activates.

Geography grants the ability to rummage through an opened Chest once per Trial and will guarantee a basic Map (Rare). While holding a map when Geography is active, your repair speed was increased by 20% for any generator that was tracked by your map.

Pickpick - If there is no way out, you'll have to use a backup plan to escape.

If you are the only survivor left in the trial and the endgame collapse has begun, Lockpick activates.

  • You open and rummaging chests 30/40/50% faster.
  • Lockpick guarantees an Dull Key each time you unlock or rummaging through a Chest by any means.
  • The aura of the hatch was revealed to you for 5/6/7 seconds upon activation.

Familarity - You are less afraid since you were familar to touturing devices like Cages and Hooks.

  • When you were hooked on either two stages and not at instant death, the sacrifice time was extended by additional 10 seconds.
  • Sabotaging a hook will leave irrepairable damage for the entity to overlook upon repair, to slow its sacrifice progress by 9/12/15%.


  • TheRealConsent
    TheRealConsent Member Posts: 213

    Geography - Idc, sure

    Lockpick - Heck no. I hate winning the game, then still losing to hatch. Dont need more keys.

    Familiarity - NO. No, no, no, no. If the survivors stall the unhook until you have 10 seconds left, im going back to hook and camping those last 10 seconds out.

    I dont need those 10 seconds to be 20 instead, and i definitely dont want a perk that reduces pressure passively.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Geography - how often do you do 3 full gens alone in a match? Also let's say it did somehow activate, don't maps still track completed gens? Wouldn't that mean you could have 140% gen progression increase?

    Lockpick - I'm more concerned it would make Left Behind obsolete. Also the key seems random atleast to me.

    Familiarity - And I'm suprisingly okay with this, since I did make a similiar suggestion like... 2 years ago at this point.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited June 2023

    Geography: This perk is simply unusable. Not only you need to do 3 gens, but you also need to open a chest and rummage through it and there's supposed to be gens left to repair by the time you did all that? Unless your whole team is afk you'll never get value out of this perk, and you might as well bring a toolbox which easily gives more than 20% speed boost.

    Pickpick: This perk isn't bad per say (besides the key guaranteed everytime you open / rummage a chest instead of just once), but any perk that encourages players to wait for their teammates to die so they can escape is usually a terrible idea.

    Familiarity: the free extra 10s on hook is a no from me, but i do like the idea of sabotaged hook making sacrifices longer, if it had a number of stacks (same number as Scourge Hooks for Monstruous Shrine minus the basement for eg) it could be a nice perk, or even a nice buff to sabotage.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

    Maybe for Geography, since its about being familiar with the environment, it's activation could be tied to distance traveled throughout the match? We've never had a perk activate based on that, and it's definitely something that can be tracked since there are rift challenges tied to distance traveled.