A Question About Purchasing Content

I’m curious what happens if you purchase content you already own? So, a while ago I got Mikaela and Jill through my first auric cell purchases. It was only recently that I noticed there are some chapters that have an exclusive cosmetic or item only through purchasing the whole chapter, and there’s a great sale going on in the Nintendo store on DLC. I planned on getting Leon and Nemesis too eventually, but it might be cheaper/easier to just purchase the RE chapter now. So, since I already own Jill would I just be paying for Leon/Nemesis or does the game “refund” you in any way like with BP sort of how it does if you purchase a perk you already have from the shrine of secrets? Same with chapters that only feature one character like with Mikaela - if I buy her chapter to get the cosmetic am I only paying for the cosmetic? Will it even let me buy a chapter of which I already own the only character?
Best Answer
You won’t get any kind of refund. But you are still able to buy the DLC, since it does give you something else.
i did the same with Tapp, Quentin and Laurie, first purchased them with auric cells and later bought the full DLC for the cosmetics.
in general, I would recommend first looking at those extra cosmetics and if it is actually worth it for you. Eg Mikaela only gets a single piece that’s almost the same as her default. With Jill/Leon/Nemesis, they don’t even get an extra cosmetic but only one charm. For the above mentioned Laurie, Tapp, Quentin, those me it full mix and match able 3 piece cosmetics
Thank you for your answer. I greatly appreciate it. I do like that Mikaela top even if it is similar… but I might pass and save my money. Thanks again!