Nerf Adrenaline and Windows of Opportunity

Could you please tweak a bit these annoying survivor perks?

·Adrenaline is super broken and unfair in SWF groups where basic m1 killers can't compete at all (4 adrenalines) specially when paired with genrush perks like multiple Prove Thyselfs, Resiliences, Overzealous, Hyperfocus, etc.

NOED is useless nowadays and you can't counter multiple adrenalines with it (the Hex will be cleansed before your next down), and Terminus is just another useless meme perk because the gates can be insta opened in the next 20 seconds after the last generator is done. Survivors have that info in their HUD so they can be super efficient, the same thing happens with adrenaline:

They can use the timer on the last gen to make insane and unfair plays for the killer, like taking hits last sec into adrena or being downed close to a hook and then adrena activates so they can insta rescue because of that, or my favorite: 2 guys injured commiting to a 95% gen, you down one of them, the other finish the gen and they both escape making distance thanks to adrena when you're stuck in place with the cooldown animation... this perk is op and deserves a nerf, for real.

·Windows of Opportunity is a problem against basic m1 killers because you have wallhacks of all the resources in the area, not only that, it makes bad survivors be super efficient with their pathing, so they can literally last for minutes in chase going from pallet to pallet into god windows and so on, forcing you to break god pallets wasting time and making you lose bloodlust so you can't catch up before they reach another safe structure...

It also unfair for good survivors in Solo Q who don't use this perk, because in many games you'll have bad teammates who predrop every pallet they reach, making dead zones extremely fast with nothing on them, and you'll be the idiot who dies fast because there are no more resources in the area.


  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 223

    Eh, windows is fine and there's a killer version of it. You cant complain about survivors using a perk slot on it when you can just as easily run zanshin. As the killer, you know every time you break a pallet...survivors that aren't in a SWF don't.

  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236

    All Windows really does is expose how bad the game is for m1 killers, nerfing the perk is really a bandaid over a gushing wound that is map design and weak powers.

    That said I didn't really agree with the buff it got either, I thought it showing everything and disabling once you fast vault was pretty fair.

  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236

    >NOED is useless nowadays and you can't counter multiple adrenalines with it (the Hex will be cleansed before your next down), and Terminus is just another useless meme perk because the gates can be insta opened in the next 20 seconds after the last generator is done.

    Also as a terminus lover, I have to say that you're dead-wrong.

    Bring no way out and play a killer who can get multiple people injured like Wesker and it's fantastic. Survivors often won't stick around if they get the gates open in that case because they're afraid of blood warden. NOED is also usually a free kill, if you can hook a survivor somewhat near the NOED it's impossible to save.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Everyone counts on a weak survivor to win. You pressure the weak link as killer, this is common knowledge.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
  • MiniPisa
    MiniPisa Member Posts: 31

    Windows was actually buffed some time ago. It used to have a cooldown. It does not need a nerf imo, as it's very new-player friendly and I always recommend it to friends who aren't familiar with the maps and the layouts. As an experienced player the only reason I run it is because of the pallet randomisation - sometimes you'll run into a complete deadzone because a pallet usually spawns there but didn't.

    Adrenaline, although a very strong perk, can only activate when all the gens are done. That alone is the balanced part. I agree with what others said that it seems you just want survivors to play worse

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,949

    As a new player killer main who sees a lot of Windows of Opportunity at low level, and runs it myself on survivor, I see no problem with this perk.

    I think youre not giving credit where it is due to the survivors you're facing. A bad survivor is a bad survivor. WoO on low level players usually means they're looking for windows and pallets, instead of looking at me the killer.

    Having low level survivors path reasonably well means I have to learn to mind game, and baiting out Window hops/Pallet drops is an important skill that I get some satisfying success with, and also keep needing to improve. It's much more fun this way than having someone run blindly into a dead zone and I just slowly walk them to death....

    It also means if I go against a SWF the difference of play level isn't so brutally different in loop strength... and tbh if all your solos are running Sprint Burst, WoO, Adrenaline, then that leaves 1 perk where they will have to choose between Off the Record, Borrowed Time, Kindred, Reassurance, Prove Thyself, or whatever else you want from a survivor build...

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    2 survivors on my team with WoO couldn't run a M1 killer on GoJ for 15 seconds. Perk is as strong as the person using it.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited June 2023

    Adrenaline really isn't that high-risk. Popping all the gens is something one can expect to happen in over 50% of all matches, and the payoff doesn't really match the risk. A game where Adrenaline doesn't come into play is a game that you likely weren't going to win anyway, which is why it's the #2 Survivor perk.

    Putting Unbreakable on your build, by contrast, is a high risk; the Killer might not slug at all in some matches, and even if they do, the odds aren't great that they're going to slug you specifically, AND that using your Unbreakable will be the optimal play when that happens.

    That wouldn't bother me all that much, but the bigger issue with Adrenaline is that it punishes spreading pressure, and rewards tunneling. If you spread hooks, if you play hit-and-run, if you adopt any sort of playstyle that isn't tunneling people out of the game as fast as possible, you are putting yourself in a position to be absolutely demolished by Adrenaline's auto-healing.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205
    edited June 2023

    WoO is just noob friendly perk. DBD sucks if you don't know tiles. (new maps)

    It's good even for veterans of course mainly in soloQ. You don't have to guess if pallet was dropped.

    But you are looking at it wrong. Other survivors are not punished for not using it. You choose your perks. You want it? Use it.

    Whenever I play soloQ I have bond, WoO. I just want to have information I would normally get from SWF.

    If you don't want to use it, that's your issue.

    But WoO is not really oppressive perk that is an issue for killers. It's just QoL perk.

    Adrenalin is completely different question. It's really good, but you can't really nerf it. If you nerf anything about this perk, then it's useless. We don't need more useless perks.

    There is still drawback playing with 3-perks most of the game.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    What has anything I said have to do with Unbreakable? Yes, there are many high-risk/high-reward perks. The discussion here is about Adrenaline. The risk is you might not use it at all and waste a perk slot, or die before all gens pop, or you use it.

    Also, I'll never understand the logic behind hit-and-run, unless the survivor is looping you for too long you should stick to the chase down/hook them. Adrenaline is the opposite excuse of tunneling, Why would you tunnel someone off hook instead of the unhooker? At that point the unhooked survivor has already used adrenaline and is fine + has a speed boost, their unhooker doesn't.

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300


  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141

    All of those perks are completely balanced. Adrenaline is so conditional and rewards good play. It sounds like you want to win more easy.