It is too easy to loop efficiently on The Game


Before you think I am a killer main: I am not.

The problem on this map is that it is small on the one hand, but has an incredible amount of safe pallets back to back. Even Midwich (which spawns roughly the same amount of pallets) is less of a pain because there are not many easy ways to switch between floors.

Even unexperienced survivors can easily loop here because everything is so safe.


1) Controll room & Bath/Basement. Here are 4 God pallets on 2 tiles. Why? One on each floor should suffice. Add maybe a window on the top instead (like a mini LT tile). This tile also often connects to at least one other strong pallet on either floor which makes this area too safe for the location with the basement.

2) The safe drop down through the shredder which connects to the freezer. This has a god window on top with a god pallet connecting to another good window and probably a god pallet on the bottom. Why?

3) The pallets between the shelves are unmindgameable because you can see everything that is taller than a crouching Pig or Ghosty. This is relatively easy fixed by shorten the shelves and/or making the boxes a bit higher.

4) Corner stairs pallets (bottom) are unmindgameable and often have another safe pallet on top of the stairs. Remove one.

There were just some examples. The map would benefit from the removal of 5-8 safe pallets in general with the addition of some windows on the top floor similar to the one on one of the Midwich exit gates. A lot of loops need to be shortened and maybe some stairs removed. If I am correct there are 6 stairs (+3 drop downs). 3 or 4 stairs should be enough.


  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    That's why aggro changes on "The Game" are mostly more effective than keeping up a chase, at least when it's the first chase. This map has much pallets, but the downside is that there are less windows which you can "recycle" as loop possibility. Personally it does not really feel to me that there are too many god pallets, not when I play killer nor as survivor.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    The Game doesn't have a lot of windows, the trade off there is more pallets, imo it's fine as is for me because pallets can be broken, windows cant

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,237

    In my experience the game is generally already killer sided. Not in every case, not all the time, but it's small, has barely any good window (and I mean good. Not awesome or god window) and is very fixed with tons of hooks, but it still suffers from inside-map syndrome, where survs just can't find and work on gens.

    If I struggle a few games, I take legion, bubba, nurse (i would also take nemesis, but I don't have him), for very very very good chance to win.

    But I feel good on the map with clown, ghostface, twins, dredge spirit or wesker. In my mind, gideon is without a doubt killer sided.

    But it is true, that I just won't run behind someone for 5 gens, never leaving him. It's very easy to loose that way.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Well, you're absolutely wrong. Ghostie has a better time than most because it's an indoor map so easy to sneak up on people, spirit twins Wesker have an easy time became they're A+ tier killers. It takes a lot to get them down in general.

    But clown and dredge? Come on. Vs any but the most braindead survivors you're having a very very difficult to borderline impossible game. Vs clown people just predrop and you have to chew through fifteen God pallets before you get to do anything and ooops, game over. Dredge is in a worse place because there aren't any lockers toward the middle of the map and remnant is worthless with so many connected loops. Drop remnant, they leave to the next connected loop. Like clown you've gotta chew through God pallets left and right but unlike clown you've got no way to hinder people holding W away from you. When I load into the game as one of those killers I've already mentally written it off as a loss. Survivors are not burning Game offerings to send me to a map where they are at a disadvantage because they feel like being nice. Even a lot of the filler pallets are way safer than you'd think at first blush.

    The only good thing to be said about the game is that surge is excellent on it. If you get survivors who actually greed instead of dropping every pallet in the world and get consistent downs it's pretty easy to start a surge snowball.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,076

    This is why I wanted to remove or weaken a lot of the pallets and add some minor windows instead. This also adds more chances to use Lithe or Bamboozle for example.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,076

    As I mentioned before I would diversify the loops (removing pallets or weaken them and add a few windows.

    Usually I am ok on the map as killer but it gets very hard if survivors use WoO or are generally very efficient while looping. Creating dead zones is hard because pallets are stacked on top of each other and because you can easily switch floors. Something that isn't the case for Midwich for example.

    And your last statement is very true as I kept a Legion busy on 3 pallets left on Disturbed Ward for 4min securing us the win. I also remember a match on The Game where I looped a Myers for 3min while my remaining teammate did the last 2 Gens. I have to admit that I would not have managed it without WoO though.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,237

    I don't mind it. You just need to leave a chase and keep in mind where your deadzone is (and not create it where there are no more gens - if survivor brings you there, you just leave it) - you just can't create map-wide deadzone.

    And as for the killers - I don't have any game offering on both legion and bubba already. Dredge is not as bad as you make it sound, you just need to be aware that you are much stronger at bottom then on top (because lockers). Clown can abuse deadzones very very good - but again - you need to be aware of them and make use of them well...

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,076

    And even with Wesker you can struggle if you have the wrong addons or if you can't do hug tech. A lot of the loops are too round to rebound as well (f. e. control room & below the shredder).

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Unfortunately 3/4 survivors have Windows and aren't gonna randomly run into an area without yellow auras.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,237
    edited June 2023

    I agree that bad killers (as in killer players) will struggle very hard on the map.

    But again - if you are aware of the map and create intelligent deadzones, the map is actually one of the better ones from killer's POV. Sure - it doesn't mean 100% win (there's no map in the game that is 100% win for either side), but this one is the easiest to use and reuse deadzones. Quite frankly - as survivor I would love it if they changed a few pallets for windows and made them weaker. As a killer tho - why do you want to rob me of my easy wins? :D I mean - when I am close to hard pip I just want to earn, the game (or midwitch) is one of my favorite options...

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,237
    edited June 2023

    That would suggest, that they don't want to work on gens. The map is basically loose 7gen already (hence you correctly said how strong jolt is here). It's so tiny, that it's on killer if he can't create deadzone in right spot

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    They don't want to work on gens because they run an incredibly common perk? Do people with sprint burst and adrenaline also avoid gens? I'm not following your logic here.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,237

    If they don't go into area without yellow, then they can't work on gens. Because it's easy to create deadzones around gens.

    The map is tiny. You can always pressure part of it to create deadzone around live gens. Even if you are at the far end, it will take just a moment to get back...