Singularity isn't fun to play as, for me at least.

Yeah I don't think our robot friend is very fun to play as, which is a shame because I was very hyped for him. He has an amazing design, he brings a new style of horror to dead by daylight, and his power (in concept) is great. I just feel like in practice his power kind of falls flat.
Don't get me wrong it can be fun sometimes, and even pretty strong. But whenever I play as him, I just feel kinda powerless y'know? Anytime I infect a survivor it goes away instantly, anytime there are some survivors crowding around an area my bipod is down, even when I can get line of sight on a survivor they just hide behind a twig and the power just won't lock on, it just kinda feels like 90% of the time I literally don't have a power. I still like him, and honestly this might just be a skill issue on my part. Since I play the game ultra casually, but for me at least he isn't fun to play as at all.
I feel like most of the problems I'm having stems from the emps, as of right now they're way to strong and any survivor team that has the brain capacity of a starfish could probably use them to great effect and practically cripple the singularity for most of the game. I wouldn't know how to fix them, I say this a lot but I'm not a game dev. Scott jund had some pretty good ideas on how to balance them from what I heard. Yeah that's about it, just me whining about stuff as usual.