Toggle option to show numeric latency in pre-game lobby for all players
Simple option to show the number of ping for the lobbies' players, including Killer's when playing as Survivor. Probably found under Graphics -> UI/HUD. Possible execution in mockup images attached. Mockup done in all red for visibility, but could use Green/Yellow/Red for normal thresholds used. Maybe also include an in-match option as well. I am not a UI designer, I just like the information to be available. I would find my mockups perfectly functional though (minus the circles and lines to draw attention to them).
Pre-game Lobby Mockup
In-game Mockup (yes I know you can hit escape in-game, but that doesn't show the Killer's latency as Survivor, or let you play while showing you the info.)
This will also let you know in the post-game lobby if the Killer exited out or not (just as you can tell if the Survivor did from their latency on live.)
Edit: forgot the post-game lobby also