Personal Opinion on HUX’s power.

So right off the bat it’s pretty good. It has decent Info and can be used to punish survivors running Lithe, Spring Burst, and Overcome.
I’ll list my pros and cons of the power and the counters to it.
PROS: Can be used for tracking and chase without being overly oppressive (Unlike how people feel about Knight and Skully, I don’t agree but TMO)
Can be used to catch up with people running from a gym
Has a lot of applications on maps with tall environments and wide sight lines.
His Overclock could lead to some cool breaker builds
CONS: EMPs spawn to frequently and passively.
He is beaten to often by clutter in the maps, especially on his own map.
His Bi-Pods EMP cooldowns are way longer than they should be for how easy it is to disable them.
Now the question is how to balance the EMPs. Personally I think a survivor should have to activate the printers manually. No passive charging. This will make using the EMP at the proper time more important.
I think they should have gone with Scott Jund's idea with making the EMPs charge up themselves 75% of the way, but the survivor has to come do the last 25% to pick it up. That way they actually have to dedicate time to them. His "built in slowdown" doesn't exist because it just happens naturally for survivors. If they had to actually work at it, it would work much better.
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I agree.
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They need to change EMPs so they can't be used while running, for one. The automatic printing time is still too fast. It could work like Freddy's wake up where the first print takes 90 seconds, 2nd takes 110, etc. But 5 EMPs printing every 90 seconds is still infinite EMPs with zero resource strain for the survivors.
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To quote a friend “it would be like if nemesis could be used on the run, could be picked up any second and also disable the tentacle ability for a few seconds on use”.
I agree EMPs should work like the first aid spray and vaccine. It only works when standing still