Dead by Daylight beat every other game in the genre



  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 208

    One thing I feel like dbd does better is the survivors can't directly fight. They can use elements of the map or stall for time but there is basically no option for an attack, flashlights annoy and pallets delay but they don't hurt/kill. This power difference is, in my opinion, important for horror as I've never felt much tension in a horror game if I have a gun and gun beats bad guy, playing VHS felt like this where there were situations where I unironically felt stronger than the monster and this horror illusion broke. Horror is based of fear and when you are inheriently weaker and all you can do is run that triggers some prey instinct which is what horror is built off, a more balanced back and forth of power means people swap between prey and preditor throughout the match which I don't like.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    They should go down to two chapters a year and use the extra time to rebalance/rework weaker killers while improving maps and the games code (complete rewrite plz).

    We also need more cosmetics for Feng.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    With dedicated servers and updates, resident evil resistance could have been a great competition for dbd, but capcom didn't make good choices and let Resistance die when people were begging for anti cheat, dedicated servers and regular updates.

    It's still my favorite game ever, but it just got left to die :(

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Speaking of code, you should check out the bug reports section. There's a spicy flashlight/pallet save glitch that's very entertaining and with lots of videos !

    And also a ton of other things that broke, it's the first time I see that many things break with one update.