DC penalty for "Dedicated server is not responding: Disconnecting"

Anybody have any idea what this is or why it's happening?
The game froze and went straight to the end game screen. The lobby showed a disconnect icon next to everybody's name and I received a DC penalty for it. I've never seen this message before and Google came up empty. This has happened twice today.
Before anyone asks, my internet didn't cut out and this is not the usual "Disconnected from host" message. It implies that the server is at fault so I don't understand why I'm being penalised for it.
Bumping this because it's gone ignored and it keeps happening virtually every time I play. Everyone in the lobby is booted out of the match and receives a DC penalty. I had a 30 minute matchmaking ban several hours ago and had to stop playing or I'd risk that going up more and more.
A lot of people have been complaining about the state of the servers since the last chapter was released and there have been quite a few people discussing this particular issue on the Steam forums, with many being confused as to what's going on and devs seemingly ignoring that a problem exists at all.
Any chance that a dev can weigh in on this please? It's pretty frustrating.
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Not a good idea to bump threads it's frowned upon around the forum. They most likely have read it and have no news to share concerning it.
I imagine this belongs in the "Technical Issues" area.
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Not really fussed if it's frowned upon tbh. I'm a bit sick of this happening virtually every day for two weeks when I know full well it isn't my connection and others are having the same problem.
Devs take the time to lock/move/respond to inane threads on Steam discussions, such as answering questions about which perks they couldn't live without, they could take 30 seconds to respond to people having actual issues with the game even if the response is along the lines of "we're aware and we're doing what we can to resolve it".
Originally I was asking for input from other forum users, hence why I posted in general rather than technical. If a dev wants to move the thread they're free to. The fact that they haven't after my last post tells me they haven't read it at all.
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This happens to me nearly every time I play. It’s not my internet because other stuff is still working, and it’s not my video drivers or anything like that because I can still interact with browsers while the game is locked up. It’s clearly either the game crashing or the server crashing.
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There are several threads about this very issue on the first page of the Steam discussions. Unfortunately people aren't coming here to post about it and the threads on Steam, much like this thread, are just being ignored.
This has happened to me again today. I'm going to keep posting here every time it happens or until someone acknowledges that there's an issue. Players should not be penalised for something out of their control.