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made for this is not overpowered



  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    you could always just use power of two+blood pact for a permanent 12% boost as long as you are near. toss in BDT and the killer only moves 1% faster. why are we just now caring about this?

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    True, as I said in a previous comment under another post, MFT will be balanced (and not very good) if haste doesn't stack.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

    Already seeing scenarios where the perk is basically giving extra health states. Seems like it's DHv2 where the bad players struggle to get the value but better players can. The better the players are the small the window for hits become and the more impactful ms increases are. If the perk stays meta then I'll just not play killer or run the top 3 since they don't care about the ms boost.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    yeah that makes sense. Idk if it would be bad though, just generally mid. If haste didnt stack I wonder if it would actually be crazy broken if it were 4% lol.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124
  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    I never saw power of two, probably because it has an eternal cooldown. I always thought that haste shouldn't stack. And please, what is BDT? I don't know all perks names in English (I'm Italian)

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    BDT is boon: dark theory. And honestly nobody uses it so I wouldnt blame a native english speaker for not knowing 💀

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    I don't think, probably survs care more about making gens than actually be good in chase.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but we will see in a month or two if MFT + another perk will become a combo. And lets see if devs will nerf it (if there is a combo) like they did with overchage + COB (since it's something that benefits survivors I don't really know if they will nerf it, maybe it should stay meta for 6 years like DH before a nerf)

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    I had to look for the effect because I didn't know it either lol. It's actually quite useless. Not that it can have about 20% haste, but having 2% haste is useless.

    I still don't understand why the devs went against the heal stack, but the haste stack is fine, which I sincerely believe is more problematic to stack haste than heal

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

    Was old DH for distance not basically a health state? You are making it somewhere you shouldn't. Sounds like another health state to me.

    "The better the players are the small the window for hits become and the more impactful ms increases are."

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    Guy tried to calculate distances xD - it's not about distance - it's about playstyle.

    Survivor can be very confident on the loops and Killer can not swing as early as normal.

    With this Perks Survivor can reach Pallet or Window before a hit.

    You said Killers 110% will not be affected? Hhahahhahahahha... Huntress on long loop and she can not throw a hatchet... Hag can not hit immediately after Teleport, because of this little speed from Survivor and more...

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    I don't see how you think Hope and MFT stacking is ok just bc Hope is an end-game perk. If someone is running this combo and you playing a non-blight or nurse killer you might as well just let them go and if everyone is running it then you most likely never going to kill anyone. I don't know about you but a lot of my 2 to 3k games come down to endgame a lot of times. If any of those times ppl were running Hope and MFT then I would mostly never get kills in the end game. You basically be forced to run No Way Out just to give yourself the extra time to chase someone down and down them. If this combo leads to free escapes (which it will) then it would be no better than the old DS or the PTB version of OtR when it was buffed/reworked. Hope by itself was already annoying as hell to deal with as a killer but now we have to worry about MFT on top of it. I just think haste perks shouldn't stack at all or have a cap.

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526

    This perk gives you less distance over let's say SB or Lithe, and people are complaining just for the sake of it.

    And they say they want meta to change, huh

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526

    Then the max speed should be capped or Hope be reverted to 2 minutes again.

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300
    edited June 2023

    Well said only person I see affected by this is trickster. I forgot that huntress/hag also has a add on that makes em 4.6 as well so if anything they really should make trickster be 115ms. Also let killers be ignorant that they do not have add ons and perks that give ms anyways, as if noed/devour/play with your food/game afoot/mr robot perk /blood lust aint a thing.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,409

    Those what if scenarios require a tremendous amount of coordination and luck to pull off, and even then only works for about long enough for bloodlust level 2 to kick in. It's fun but entirely impractical when it comes to actually escaping.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    I completely agree. MFT by itself is a fine perk imo and shouldn't be nerfed. The only thing I say is maybe the perk really doesn't need the whole endurance thing on top of the 3% haste. It only becomes a problem when stacked with other perks and the thing is in a game like dbd the speed of a character means is a whole lot! When you start messing with haste and stuff you could easily end up with something that is so OP that it can shut down the other side completely. As I said MFT is fine it just shouldn't stack with other haste perks or haste itself needs some kinda cap so survivors don't end up being as fast as a killer for long periods of time.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124
  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Hows it not about distance? everything in dbd is about distance. Distance=time, time=gens. And like I said in the post, all of the good killers have ways outside of m1 to down people. The perk is only remotely overpowered against weak killers, like sadako level weak killers. Only killers that literally having no mobility or chase pressure will be affected. And if thats the case then its more of a killer balance issue than an issue w/ mft.

    And no, that 3% is not gonna affect 110%. Any hit a huntress would have gotten without she will still land, with a 0.12m margin of error. That small extra distance will mean practically nothing, except on the tightest of loops. Also... a hag... will absolutely be able to insta hit... you arent slower than the survivor when you tp. It TPs you facing towards the survivor, you are faster than them, and they are within lunge range. You just made that up- realistically only trickster will care out of the 110s. all the others dont care for distance and just down you anywhere. And funnily enough, tricksters a c-tier killer. so buff trickster.

    • they can reach a pallet or window before a hit

    Yeah, any pallet or window that has a 3% difference between them getting hit or not. Its never gonna be that choked, they'll either land it or they dont. SB better.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,436

    Isn't this already what every survivors asks tho? Like im sure 99% of people that regulary play survivor would agree to literally nuke those killers since good players can actually do something with them.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    Survivor can greed a Pallet more with this perk - it means this perk will not buy a just distance, with this perk Survivor are able to play all loops much better.

    Let's give for example 1.2% Haste Perk for the Killer for every injured Survivor? It's just a 0.x meters of distance - it's not OP

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692
    edited June 2023

    Having a hard time gauging how powerful the perk actually is as it seems to result in a lot of rage quits when I use it for some reason...


    It will most likely be nerfed in the near future once the required number of chapters or w/e are sold.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,064

    It is OP. You do a long chase and you commit thinking it's just 3%. Then Endurance presents itself. It brings back old DH matches.

  • OwlWithMustache
    OwlWithMustache Member Posts: 57

    It feels like you just proved yourself wrong

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    This argument has numerous flaws.

    8 seconds for a 4.6 killer to catch up is a huge deal because this is just a straight line. This doesn't account for them making it to a pallet and dropping it, then running again. Or them making it to a window. Or looping you in loops they can hug tighter than you and now a little bit faster.

    For 4.4 Ranged Killers, despite your statement, it's a huge deal. Yes, their projectiles are leagues faster than survivors.

    Huntress can't just pray you're in the open; she will have to chase you in tiles as well. With that 3% speed, those small windows she has where she can land a hatchet after a mind game get narrower or outright removed. Do remember, she has to wind up her hatchets too for a minimum of 1.5 seconds (3 if she wants it fully charged). That's to say nothing of some loops where her only option is to brute force the pallet drop and get it out of the way.

    Deathslinger has a capped range limit of 18m. However, his projectile is also very small. That means, long ranged shots are easy to miss, so you will need to catch up. It's not quite as bad as Huntress given his much shorter windup, but again, he lacks her range and snowball potential compounding the fact that outside of his 1v1, he has very little going for him. This perk, when used by competent survivors, can outright cripple him.

    Trickster... yeah... where do you start with him?

    Yes, it hardly inconveniences Nurse or Blight or even Spirit. However, that just makes it worse, in my opinion. It's like Mettle of Man, back when Billy, Huntress, and Nurse were the holy trinity of killers. That perk crippled Wraith but literally did nothing to those 3 since it required basic attacks to work (Nurse's attacks were bugged and didn't give MoM stacks, most likely due to it being a Sub-Basic Attack). It's a perk that disproportionately affects killers that already struggle while being a minor inconvenience to those that already dominate. That, to me, is a problem perk that should be adjusted.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    Perk name should've been Subtle Cheater: Haste

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,409

    Ok and then what happens when one of your random teammates get hooked? Now you have to waste a huge amount of time as both of you go for the save, or give up your speed boosts to leave one on a gen. Or if the killer goes to your gen, now no one is on gens and you better hope the last teammate goes for the unhook. It's still a meme build that will rarely be worth the effort.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    I think it would be fine if it was treated as a more traditional exhaustion perk than it is, because right now you can definitely still run it with something like balanced or lithe until you become exhausted. It should just work on a time limit, where it is active for like 30 or 45 seconds then you become exhausted.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,815

    You can’t be a ‘both sides’ player. How many chapters have dropped with killers receiving 1-3 solid perks and survivors receiving… well, trash or subpar perks? Like, four in the last year, right?

  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 366

    I really really don't want to bring this to a killer vs survivor stuff.

    This will lead every one unfocused the post.

    But still,i will answer you to clear your misunderstanding ,killer are already received 2 chapter of trash perks,and even before that killer is still getting maximum 1usable perk per chapter,so what you said about,in the other hands, survivor actually got lots of useful perk even have more than 3 perks per chapter, some of them might not being seems too often in game,but that's not because it's bad, it's because survivor has too many choices.

    I hope you can calm down and actually see these perk in wiki.

    And about i could not be a both sides player part.

    I actually play more survivor than killer now,if you really want to see the proof, you can click my ID and find the discussion i made before which called "why people like to say solo is hell" or something like that,i have put some my game play as a reference of the post,which i think can at least prove that i have playing survivor.

    At last,i wish we can focus on the post itself, like what we did before,if you really think that MFT isn't op,try to prove it with math or some examples, not just finger pointing other and said you want to nerf it because you are killer main.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,014

    cause range? as a trickster main i see no issue. maybe for huntress and deathslinger cause of there longer pull up times?