Idea for changing Grim Embrace

Since the main problems with Grim Embrace are it's inconsistency and ability to get made useless by one DC, I had an idea for a change that could make it keep the spirit of a perk that rewards spreading the pain while punishing tunneling a bit.
Grim Embrace: Each time a unique survivor is hooked, gain one token. All survivors who have not been hooked receive oblivious for 10 seconds. When a survivor has been hooked a second time, all tokens are consumed and all generators are blocked for 6/8/10 seconds per token. Your aura is revealed for 6 seconds the moment tokens are consumed and the perk is deactivated for the remainder of the match.
This gives you incentive to chase other survivors because they now are a bit weaker in chase, it clears up the issue where the perk is useless if someone DC's, and it even makes the perk not entirely useless if you don't get a hook until endgame. Also, if you're the jerk who brings it and proceeds to tunnel someone out of the game, congrats, you get 10 seconds of gen delay and the survivors get wall hacks on you for 6 of them, which is possibly the entire window of generator delay if you're using the yellow version of the perk. At its best, the delay of 40 seconds is offset by 15% of it having your aura displayed, but considering the other benefits, I feel like it's relatively balanced.