Are other online multiplayers as buggy as DBD?

DBD is the only online multiplayer game I play regularly, and I'm genuinely curious. Do other games with a similar release/update model suffer the amount of bugs DBD has or is DBD rather exceptional? It's just wild how it seems that with every update now, a perk, map, or killer are being killswitched for long periods of time and it's rather ridiculous. But I don't know; maybe that's just the industry standard?


  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Well I've never experienced any game where small updates, like bugfixes, implement more bugs than they fixed. The fact one new chapter getting implemented caused these gamebreaking bugs is just crazy. It's literally just a new survivor, new killer, and new map. How did Wesker suddenly become an overpowered version of Wraith? How did Decisive Strike get bugged so badly? How is Legion suddenly able to down whilst in his frenzy animation and he still isn't kill switched? Why did it take Wesker so long to be kill switched? This game has been out for SEVEN years (soon) and nothing has changed. I guess we all get used to it at some point.

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 123

    Crazy. How embarrassing for BHVR.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,742

    Paladins is the only other multilayer game I play frequently and oh my word there are bugs galore. Have been since Open Beta and I don't think we'll ever escape them.

    Though also, Paladins is currently being developed by a team of like 8 people and they're doing a better job of bugfixing than when it was a team of 50 all because they're stopped pumping out a new champion every 2-3 months. So there's that, at least.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Nope, only DbD.

    I am playing DbD, ESO, CS:GO and PUBG. All of them are online games and the only buggy one is DbD. I am not saying others are never getting any bug, they do sometimes. But fixes are so fast.

    So DbD is only game who don't care about customer happiness.

    Imagine there is event on the way and some people won't able to play with their fav character (Wesker). There is no game can dare to do this, only DbD.

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 123

    Yeah, it is wild how one of their most popular, if not most popular, killers is gonna be killswitched during the event. Absolutely wild. And they act like it's no big deal.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Not in my experience.

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498

    There were a lot of games which released super bugged, but those mostly are single player... Thinking of live-service model games only fallout 76 comes to mind, but they fixed it after some time, and its alright ever since. So yeah, I can't think of anything that is worse than DBD in terms of game state and playability after an update.