This 7th aniviversary is one of the best events that we had

In the past we already a had goods events, but I think that in this year we havethe best anniversary event.
In the last year I was very desappointed with the way that this game is in, so much boring gameplays with the same stratagy (genrush and tunnel/camp), and this without talking about killer powers that are boring to use or play against (such as meta perks, add-ons and etc).
But this event makes me want play this game again.
I will list some of the good things that I thought:
The rewards, the masks are very pretty and good;
The new things about the invitations are good, and vary funny, the special effects on chases are very good, and I think that the game needs more things like that;
The special chalanges are very good, with rift fragments are very good too, caus this can helps players that aren't fished the rift yet. And gives more cool special cosmetics;
Talking about the chalanges, I really like and enjoy The randomizer perk chalange, its fun and surprising. In my matchs I had luck with the sinergy of the perks.
I'm in a weird place with it... I know people want to farm points for the event, and the abundance of bloodpoints is a temptation, but that makes me uncertai on whether I should actually try and play or not...
If the Killer wants to farm, you may as well farm yourself cause you cant make him kill you.... if the Killer doesn't farm, then the hesitation on how the Killer will behave can get you killed.
As Killer I'm in similar boat... do I go on tbe hunt and try for kills? Are my survivors gonna rush gens or clown around healing and trying for unhooks and pallet stuns? They're in tbe same boat, if they wait to see how I'm gonna play, then they too pout themselves at a disadvantage... Do I stop at 8 hooks? Do I try for a 4k? Go for 2? Which 2? I'm not sure what to do currently...
It's a really cool event, and I've had a laugh goofing with people from time to time... but I try to ensure I'm not overly contributing to the overly competitive mutual disdain between survivors and killers by trying to be as fair as possible... but with the event going... I'm not sure if I should actually play the actual game of Dead By Daylight right now, or just be chill like everyone else... 🤔🤔🤔🤔
But the event itself is awesome regardless 😅