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Kayako Saeki

o37gekko Member Posts: 11
edited August 2023 in Creations

ive been playing Dbd for about 2 months. i have a request/concept for a new killer. i am aware that shes been suggested before but Kayako Saeki from Ju-on is my fav horror icon of all time and id love to play her in Dbd.

first; we have "the spirit" and sadako "the onryo" and since a grudge curse ghost is called an onryo,

id suggest that Kayako gets her alias title as literally "The Grudge" as the ju-on curse is actually kayako, toshio and their cat all together.

i have a few suggestions of a weird mechanic and an ability that could make her really unique and fit her character from the movies.

creepy toshio mechanic concept : when the killer playing as kayako has line of sight on a survivor performing an action, toshio spawns right next to them. he yells like a cat, making the survivor scream and temporarily get effected by the oblivious status and becomes the obsession. (the idea would be that toshio spawning wouldnt be an ability, but just a weird creepy passive that triggers her ability as active)

this would make it impossible to sneak up on a preoccupied survivor with kayako, you'd know shes close and about to use her ability to strike

by combining the spirits haunting, the singularitys pods the blights rush and the pigs ambush for one super creepy, terrifying jumpscare delayed chasedown ability.

ability concept :teleporting ambush. similar to how the singularity can spawn pods, but instead; kayako can move like the spirit for a duration, then select any surface, wall, floor or roof, to appear from, if nothing is selected or the ability is cancelled, she reverts back to her origin point, but she has nothing like the husk so when shes spectral, she's completely invisible and cannot interact with anything other than to create a spawn point or revert.

when she appears (from a vortex of black hair), for a short duration she can move up walls and across ceilings, crawling in her signature way while making croaking noises and can perform a rushing attack similar to the pigs ambush at blightspeed

the appearance animation should be slow, giving the survivor time to run, but while kayako is crawling she should be as fast as the blight so the "time to run" is just a false sense of security, mostly for dramatic purposes.

unless the survivor has been targeted by her "creepy toshio passive" kayako cant use her ability at all.

i hope behaviour like my idea and id love to hear what other ju-on fans think of my concept and any feedback/input for this concept is welcome :)

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • jkingwallace123
    jkingwallace123 Member Posts: 66

    I love this I’m a huge grudge fan would should continue to request this to the Devs I think she’s a terrifying killer to go against along with Toshio

  • o37gekko
    o37gekko Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2023

    im glad you like my concept ☺️ i really put some thought into how to make kayako and toshio have a familiar yet different playstyle... i toyed with the idea of a "build up" mechanic similar to ghostface, the shape or oni... but even though kayako peeping around things would be super creepy, i thought it might be abit too similar to ghostface, so i left that part out (but its there now if BHVR like it)