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remove/decrease DC penalty during event?

JohnWick1654 Member Posts: 509
edited June 2023 in Polls

I understand that DC is a problem if it gets used too much with the player simply being able to jump straight into the next match. (only to potentially DC in that one aswell)

However out of depths of painful solo-queue I come with a game experience of mine.

Basically the killer camped the hook, and the survivors were quite altruistic, quite is a weak word, 2 of them died at 5 gens,

the killer then turned friendly suddenly and the game became very awkward to continue playing,

I don't mind friendly killers, but it's not fair for the half that barely got any points, and alongside that doing 5 gens takes 2 people a very long time when I also want to gather Iredescent Shards...

Not to mention play the game.

EDIT: another thing being since DC robs you off bloodpoints and you get tons during event, DCing doesn't always sound great even if you were to recieve very small penatly.

remove/decrease DC penalty during event? 30 votes

Yes, make the penalty very short
23% 7 votes
Yes, but make it so the penalty doesn't ramp up as fast
16% 5 votes
No, people would DC too often even when games are salvagable
60% 18 votes


  • Zeita
    Zeita Member Posts: 70
    edited June 2023

    They should Remove it.

    i Lost connection to the Server and it thought i Quite when i didnt.

    it froze when i hit a surviver and it said i lost connection to the server yet still Timed me out

  • Zariva83
    Zariva83 Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2023

    I play mostly killer, but got back to playing survivor after purchasing the End Transmission chapter. And, oh boy. I don’t know why people even bother playing survivor any more (and a huge thank you to those who do!).

    I played about sixteen games over two days.

    9 of these games the killer were afk. I even started taking a few screenshots because if someone had told me about that, I would’ve had a hard time believing them.

    And out of the 7 killers who were playing three camped at the hook, even with 4 or 5 gens left anf two slugged, also at 5 gens left. It was as if their goal was to get the game over with with as little fun and as little points fir everybody as possible. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    It felt like complete opposite of what I remembered playing as a survivor to be like.

    So I went back to play killer like usual, with a whole new understanding of why people sometimes write to me after matches just to thank me for playing fairly as the killer.

    But my point is, yes, I wish they’d get rid of the DC penalty, too. Or at least make it shorter. I never even knew why it was such a problem that there needed to be a penalty for it (whenever I play as killer DCs almost never happen and I never saw a reason to be upset about them). I mean, if slugging and hook camping are seen as legitimate game strategies, why punish a survivor player for sacrificing their blood points by when they’re being slugged and used as bait? Or even worse, when there are only two survivors left and the killer uses slugging to prevent the hatch from spawning?

  • JohnWick1654
    JohnWick1654 Member Posts: 509

    I also don't understand how people enjoy playing the game at low MMR when killers play like this, and I know how it feels since I'm probably low MMR too occasionaly.

    And since I mostly play survivor, I also know low MMR killer is so much easier (I used to main killer), I can basically on almost all killers get a 12 hook 4k every single time, not to mention I also sometimes go out my way and leave deathhook players on the ground because of my generosity.

  • Valistic
    Valistic Member Posts: 9

    they should make the maximum penalty 15-30 minutes, i dont think someone that has a bad connection should get banned for 6 hours, as for people that DC, i dont think they want to play a game for 5 minutes and wait for half an hour

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,811

    The penalty should be much higher than it currently is.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 12,869

    That would be a complete nightmare