General Discussions

General Discussions

DBD Servers Seem To Be Kicking The Bucket...

Member Posts: 3,560
edited June 2023 in General Discussions

It seems like DBD's servers are NOT having a good time with the amount of players.

Allow me to list a bunch of server, lag, and matchmaking problems I have been facing during the Anniversary:

  • Really laggy servers (which results in everyone, including the Killer, having 200+ ms).
  • Being matchmaked into a server that is outside of my region (it seems like I am put into EU servers a lot since Ive faced off against people in Spain and the UK).
  • Servers crashing (which results in everyone being disconnected; you lose out on all Bloodpoints earned).
  • The servers dealing with "phantom lagging"; the game displays that you are lagging when you are not lagging, and the game displays you are not lagging when you are lagging; this is displayed to all players as well, it's not client specific. Mostly happens with Survivor and less with Killer.
  • Literally having players teleport and/or rubberband... this one kind of goes hand and hand with the previously mentioned "phantom lagging".
  • Servers just progressively spiral downhill; for whatever reason, the matches start perfectly fine, and progressive get more laggy for everyone, including the Killer, until the game is basically unplayable. I presume it might have to do with too many entities being registered by the server but Idk, I could 100% be wrong.
  • Literally not being able to matchmake... no the servers arent full, they just straight up dont work sometimes... I had to sit in a 2 hour queue one time because of this... thanks...
  • Being unhooked and teleporting to a completely different location of the map because the server cannot register my proper location... this normally happens with laggy servers but sometimes happens in normal matches.

Im not trying to fearmonger or anything with this post. I just really hope that whatever issues are happening get resolved because at times it can feel unplayable with the amount of issues there are.

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  • Member Posts: 99

    Its good to see im not the only one!!!

  • Member Posts: 6,099

    I got downed by a Dredge literally through the shack wall. I'd vaulted the window and was already running along the side of shack when I went down. I tried to record it but didn't go back far enough. I've had some ridiculous hits but that one took the cake. Must have been lag surely?

  • Member Posts: 421

    I rarely say "unplayable", but for me the current state of the servers is. Every game the ping indicators are briefly but constantly flashing and the weirdest lag effects happen. Last match the killer disconnected, but I think it was more a server disconnect as the killer had just downed someone and no gens were getting done, so no reason to hit the DC button. That game was particularly laggy, my teammates were zapping around the map and I got hit through a window I had jumped through two seconds ago.

    Problem is, there already were threads about the laggy servers, and somebody said he reported this to BHVR and BHVR said the problem is our internet connection, so they're probably not even looking into it.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Honestly, occasional server problems are fine but I just wish BHVR would let us know that there's an issue and they're working on it rather than make all of us rush to the forums to figure out if we're the only ones with the problem and leave us in the dark about how long it'll stay like that.

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    Thank you, can confirm every single point of the list.

  • Member Posts: 335

    Yeah, it's like NAE servers just don't exist right now.

    Even trying to join other people's lobbies through steam is laggy, and hitting a prestige in the bloodweb can get laggy when the screen transitions.

    Hoping they fix it soon and can find a way to compensate for it.

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