Killer Concept: The Chain Letter

C0N3ko Applicant Posts: 25
edited February 25 in Creations


Speed- 4.6m/s

TR- 24m

Height- Average

Difficulty- Moderate

Weapon: Pair Of Scissors

Average pair of scissors for an very average person.

Power: Must Be Kept...

...Secret: At the start of the trial a random survivor is chosen to have the Secret, the Secret can be passed to a different survivor by interacting with them, the Secret cannot be passed to the survivor who previously had the Secret.

When a survivor has the Secret a timer of 60 seconds begins, during this time the survivor is afflicted with Blindness, once the timer ends the survivor becomes Exposed and has their aura shown for 30 seconds and if the survivor is put in the dying state the can be killed by hand. Once the survivor has been killed, the Secret will randomly pass to another survivor after 30 seconds.

...To Oneself: The Chain Letter may use a gift from The Entity to shut down vaults and pallets.

The Chain Letter has 4 Flames at her disposal to block vaults, pallets and also block generators for 15 seconds, when a regressing generator is blocked the generator will continue to regress.

Each Flame regenerates within 6 seconds after the blocked window, pallet or generator becomes usable again.


Hasty Revenge:

After breaking a pallet that you were previously stunned by, gain a Haste boost of 4/4.5/5%

This perk has a cooldown of 50 seconds.

Broken Promise:

While in chase with a survivor, if that survivor vaults a pallet or window they will become Exhausted for 5 seconds.

This perk has a cooldown of 80/70/60 seconds.

Hex: Tight Lipped

When a 2 survivors perform a cooperative action they will both scream and have their auras revealed for 10 seconds.

When this Hex is cleansed the survivor who cleansed it will scream and become Exposed for 10/15/20 seconds.

Red Add-ons

Shattered Tooth:

Reduces The Secrets timer by 15 seconds.

Written Threat:

Once The Secrets timer runs out, the survivor who is effected will no longer be able to pass The Secret.

Design: An average school girl in a school uniform that has a very plain yet dim expression, destroying animations include using the flames to explodes pallets, walls and generators.


Still sucks but it feels like i fixed it to a degree.

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