Should laggy players be booted more frequently?

I won't get into much detail, but here is my suggestion and its a quite simple one that shouldn't be hard at all to implement. Right now the game feels very forgiving about high latency connections, too forgiving. I think this would become a much more fair and better game if the thresholds for when a player should be booted was lowered. Right now it seems very rare for an extremely laggy player to ever get straight up kicked out of the match. Consistent latency spikes and induced latency should be punished more. This will of course cause a lot of people to have to address their lag in order to play consistently without being kicked but its for the better. I understand that there will always be latency with this game , especially due to the lack of servers but I think the issue isn't so much about high latency, but high spikes and packet loss. It's very easy for players, especially killers to play this game, and dominate because of their lag. Please consider lowering the thresholds, and kicking players in the lobby, before the game even begins. That of course won't be enough, players need to be kicked while in game as well. Perhaps these lower thresholds could be implemented once bots are able to fully replace disconnecting survivors and killers. There has been some recent UI improvements to show visual indications of who is lagging and how badly, but its kind of unclear how badly it really is, and ultimately whats that going to do for us? Make us play the game differently because we see that someone is laggy?