Pain Res Rework has the potential to completly eliminate tunneling!

Pain Res becomes a normal perk, no more Scourge hook requirement. The regression goes from 25% to 15%. And here is the important bit: When ALL tokens are used up, the perk gains 4 more tokens, but if you ever hook the same survivor twice in a row the perk gets disabled for the rest of the match.
Actually.. this is a great idea, and a good incentive to prevent tunneling
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Seems to be a nerf, you can't even distinguish who is who sometimes.
If you kept 25% as is, it might work, otherwise no.
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Honestly, "Never hook the same Survivor consecutively, for any reason, ever" is pretty restrictive. Some Survivors literally want to be tunneled and will follow you around to annoy you if you don't. Some Survivors will give you a free down right off the hook. Some Survivors will use the basekit BT to bodyblock. Sometimes you literally just can't find anyone except the unhooked Survivor. And needing to hook all 4 Survivors is a tall order for a similar reason; sometimes you just can't find the last Survivor and they absolutely refuse to take any risks.
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I like current pain res the way it is. For both sides. For me ideally - don't touch it any more
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That's way worse than current version. Current version already helps with tunneling.
For this to work, it would need to have secondary effect to show who was hooked last or something.
It would basically either prevent tunneling or make me tunnel way more than usual.
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Imagine a survivor constantly following you with flashlight simply because they know you can't hook him... no one would use this perk.
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Nothing will eliminate tunneling other than a mechanic that completely prevents it from being possible in the first place. Tunneling is a generally effective and easy way to kill survivors and provides more gen slowdown than any perk in the game.
Your idea while sounding good on paper, would probably have the reverse effect. Not only can the killer still camp/tunnel, survivors would be punished for hook trades too since the killer would get regression every time someone trades.
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You mean by just having this perk it will permanently disable a survivor from doing gens? Sounds like the best slowdown perk ever, sign me up!
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I think that is sounds good except I would rather that tokens be earned up to 4 by kicking gens... if a survivor is hooked twice in a row, lose all tokens... rinse and repeat.
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3 stacks of current PR is equal to 5 stacks of old. This perk would give worse value in basically all games. It would only be good for the 8 hook zero kill games.
Now how you would make something like this work is that when you hook a survivor you remove 15% of the highest progressed gen and the perk deactivates if the same survivor is hooked consecutively. Basically every hook is -15% as long as the survivor doesn't get hooked back to back.
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pain res should be reverted to how it originally was and have a cooldown added instead of tokens. No back to back pain res but your not limited to 4 times per match.
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Or Survivors will just use it as an invincibility buff and do gens right in front of you because they know you can't hook them. Similar to how people often used Decisive Strike before Conspicuous Actions were a thing.