Billy Challenge

why in heavens name are we forced to play a killer you guys nerfed to death????
Forces? You can get cosmetics by choosing another path
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^ This.
As a Billy main, the challenge isnt that hard, but I understand that the Killer may be super clunky for others to play. BHVR has made an alternative route you can take, you are not forced to play Billy during the event.
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I love and hate Billy at the same time (it's complicated) and now everyone else gets to experience this as well. Don't know, if I find that funny or sad. Maybe some good will come from this. Like more feedback on poor Billy's current issues.
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My Billy mood goes up and down. He was one of my favorites.
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Initially, by using the other route I didn't get the Billy outfit and I thought you'd need the chainsaw challenge, too. A day or two later I found it in my inventory. All good - I'm leaving that one in the middle locked for good. I'm not that good with Billy and I never try that hard to find the 4th survivor or not give the hatch.
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Yes, but one of the lore pieces is tied to that challenge, and went the event ends, they are gone forever. Sure, they're probably up on the Wiki or somewhere online, but that isn't the point.
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I've played Billy a lot since his recent changes and i'm having a blast.
It's not like his old glorious self but he's hardly umplayable.
Also nobody is holding a gun to your head... you aren't forced to do every single challenge, that's a choice you make.
What do you want the challenge to be in order to avoid "forcing" people to play a killer they don't like?
Visit the store 5 times? Cause there are always going to be people that hate playing any one killer
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I feel like this is the danger of repeating the exaggeration too much- people start actually believing it as though it's literally true.
Hillbilly was not and is not literally nerfed to death, he's just clunkier and weaker than he needs to be. He's still 100% viable and playable, and there's nothing wrong with having a challenge that requires playing him. Heck, if there's challenges for playing him, that means he's getting cosmetics and/or lore, which is good attention for a killer to get.
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He got a whole mechanic basically pointed out to be redundant by his addonpass and they just had a sunken cost falicy of keeping it to the point he has 4 addons 1 of purple rarirty that literally does nothing because its so hard to overheat now. He wasnt nerfed to death but they coulda approached him a hundred times better than they did. (Also they even tried to nerf his engravings) but yeah.
Also...this was a thing.
(Compare his addon pass to any other we've gotten. Even the higher tier killers like spirit and nurse still have a good variety. Spirit honestly they need to look at again)
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I'm not making any wider points about his balance, the point is that he's not an unusably nerfed killer and so there's nothing wrong with this challenge. He has bad addons, and the recent uptick in map clutter has not helped him, but he's not so bad that there's anything to criticise about giving him challenges in event tomes.
Hell, he's not even one of the weakest killers at this point. It's not like this challenge is to 4K with Sadako or Trapper.
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Ironically sadako has a pretty high KR but yeah.