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"Made For This" intentionally broken to keep things 'fresh'?



  • Member Posts: 658

    You do realize they did do a weekend with no bloodlust a few years ago and from what I understand it was really bad. We may not have infinities anymore but the maps are nowhere near balance enough to allow bloodlust to be deleted. Tiles still spawn in chains that are really easy for any survivor to loop around and waste a lot of the killer's time. The other day I had a map that had three pallets and a window that spawn so close together. I will be happy for Bloodlust to be gone if they can prove to me they can make balance maps for once and not survivor-sided messes like Graden of Joy, Toba Landing, Borgo, and Eyrie.

  • Member Posts: 1,373
    edited July 2023

    Speed that is lost when

    using powerful

    Getting stuned

    breaking a pallet

    getting blind I think

    Getting hit

    It's also kept for the case that they ever create an infinite by accident wich is rare but not impossible

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited July 2023

    Yeah, they love to bring up bloodlust and never say anything about all the ways killer loses BL and also the fact it takes time to build up the tiers. Meanwhile, the survivor with MfT is "Hey look at me I'm 3% faster just bc Im hurt and not exhausted."

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    On fairness and expressing skill: The only way Survivors can express skill is by looping. Perks take players who are already good and aid in making them better, but make no mistake that those same players would stomp you even with no perks.

    Balancing is done around the average skilled player, because DBD is not highly competitive. It is not an e-sport. I get that most people don't care about being nice, farming, etc. But you can't sit at high mmr and complain that you're getting stomped all the time at high mmr when you know how the system works.

    "With MFT equipped, you can stop potential mindgames from working at tiles due to your increased speed as survivor and completely negate what would have been a successful hit for the killer, even if just barely." I can't count the innumerable times where a killer has only managed to down me because of bloodlust. Was that skillful on their part? No. Did they do anything special to earn that? No. You talk about how haste affects mindgames, well guess what Bloodlust is? Bloodlust is haste, and the only reason it existed was to deal with true infinites which no longer exist. 3% vs 3 stacks of 5%, which is stronger?

    If the killer loops a structure efficiently, and a survivor does not, the killer will still catch them. On maps where there are small loops, a 115% killer will catch them. It doesn't make bad survivors god loopers. Bad survivors are still bad with MFT. Good survivors are still good without MFT. It's a lot of malding over a perk that is only seen commonly at high MMR and almost non-existent at the average skill level.

    "From the beginning, survivors have always had perks designed around the idea of failure, while killer perks are usually designed around winning harder." So it's okay for killers to have win-harder perks but not survivors. What happened to fairness and skill expression?

    "How is a movement speed boost while injured "map-dependant"? So because survivors are playing poorly it is okay that MFT is one of the best survivor perks in the game right now? The problem is that even if the killer does loop efficiently, they still get nothing out of it, even if the survivor is not as efficient at looping due to the increased movement speed." MFT is map dependent in that you need long loops to get value out of it. At a short loop, the killer's base movement speed allows them to catch up. MFT isn't one of the best survivor perks in the game right now at all. It's overrated, and honestly only sees maximum value at high mmr where you are dealing with god loopers.

    "Mistakes are needed for the killer to start pressure, so these perk designs directly counter the way for a killer to start pressure, while the killer's own perks award them for a match they were most likely going to win anyways." I've seen killers win a lot of matches they rightfully should've lost, but only won because they stacked slowdown perks. I've played against killers that only won because they tunneled someone out of the game at 5 gens. I've played against killers that only won because they brought a full hex build with Undying allowing them to get Haunted Grounds twice. Mistakes are needed for the killer to build pressure, but mistakes on the killer's part are also needed for the survivors to escape. It goes both ways.

    Players of average skill make plenty of mistakes. They second-guess themselves. They don't loop as efficiently as they should. As far as the average-skilled player is concerned, the game is balanced. Maps are a big issue, and Bhvr is slowly addressing them. They're also addressing strong structures, like they did with Shack on Saloon by giving it a breakable wall.

    I'm not above admitting that MFT is a strong perk, but I wouldn't call it one of the best in the game. I'm also not above admitting Bloodlust is necessary due to maps and unbalanced tile spawns. It's very likely MFT will see a decline in popularity by the next chapter as people return to perks that simply discourage the killer from chasing them in the first place. All that being said, however, I don't see why a perk should be nerfed into the ground simply for being strong, especially not when there are counters to it.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    This test was years ago. DbD changed so much, it's not same game anymore.

    And killers are using Bloodlust for their advantage. Smart killers know where you have to break pallet and where you can Bloodlust survivor. If this is okey for game health, i don't see any reason to nerf MfT.

    The only nerf i want is , haste effects should not be stackable. That's all.

  • Member Posts: 658

    That may be true I'm just going by what others have said. I wasn't playing in 2020 when that test happened and I don't know the states of the maps back then. Also what you just said can be said by survivors also. Smart survivors know how to use loops and chain pallets and windows together to waste as much time as possible of the killers. Mft just makes it even easier for them long side the map design.

    My point is I don't care if they delete bloodlust but to do that maps need to be more balanced. Right now ALOT of maps are super easy for a decent to high experience survivor to loop effectively. MfT only just makes even more easier for them. DBD is game about time management and a perk that helps extend a chase even by just few seconds (2 or 3) is huge. Killer has a lot less time than survivors bc it's only one killer and four survivors. While you chase one person that means 3 others are working on two to three gens. Is MfT op? No I never said that but it does make the game feel much more wrost for a killers who doesn't have no movement or chase ability.

    That another issue I have with the perk and bunch of other perks. They don't effect each killer the same. Perks like MfT only hurt the lower tier killers and not the higher ones like nurse or blight. Now I know what you will say "well they just need to buff those killers." Let's be real here the devs are not going to buff each individual killers, especially ones they think are fine (Myers and Trapper). Even if they did, their ability to do in a timely manner isny there, Twins rework has taken over a year to do, or they sometimes make a killer wrost if they try to change them, look at the PtB and see how the sakaro rework is working out right now (spoiler alert she looking like she going to be in a worst spot than before). It's like the old saying goes "If ifs and buts were candy and nuts we would all have a Merry Christmas." If the dev was better at balancing map and killers we wouldn't be having this discussion and a perks like MfT won't feel as bad for the other side.

    Say what you will about MfT since you free to have your own opinion but I seen a lot of people even outside this forum, some streamers and some non streamers, say the same thing about MfT. It's little too strong of a perk and needs to be looked at some point. It does very much have a impact on games and it will most likely be meta going forward if it isn't changed.

  • Member Posts: 614

    u never plays Killer right ? even whit Bloodlust 3 its very hard to get a Survivor who has MfT on strong loops also u are losing Bloodlust when vaulting a Window or Palett so Survivor whit MfT runs to every next Palett

    i was playing a Game as Onryo on the Knight Map against a SwF Squad whit 4 MfT i wasnt be able to get 1 of the injured Survivors until i found a invitation to us the 1 shot Effect so i didnt have to Deal whit MfT

    MfT is broken and needs to be nerfed fast Killers shouldnt get punished 4 injuring a Survivor

    Also MfT is again just a Problem for weaker Killers Nurse and Blight dont need to Deal whit it so u are seeing even more Blight and Nurse in High Rank

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I play killer a lot.

    And i don't see any problem with MfT. It's just another exhaustion perk. Makes chases a bit longer if survivor use it right. But survivor can make chase longer with any exhaustion perk if they do play right? So just cuz that why we are nerfing MfT?

    If haste effect is that busted, then killers should not have it for free as well. Let's remove MfT & Bloodlust together or keep them both?

    And i don't know how you can't even catch survivor with Bloodlust 3. I am not even seeing Bloodlust 3 on my killer games.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited July 2023

    they have perks like blood pact and teamwork:power of two that have same exact effect. they might need rework one of these perks because they seem balanced with the idea of haste stacking. there is also boon:dark theory that is somewhat underwhelming. Still, I do agree that haste stacking might need looking into because survivor can potentially go faster than killer with haste stacking. I do not think it is healthy for tier 1 Myers to potentially deal with dbd 2016 infinities. I do agree with your take on the perk and bloodlust. if one is fine, then other has reason to exist.

  • Member Posts: 306

    A year ago, a perk was added that gives a 2% movement speed boost but only if you take the time to set up a boon, stay within the boon's radius and the killer doesn't snuff out the boon. Now there is a 3% movement speed boost with an extra endurance effect and it works as long as you're injured (which will always happen and isn't a sacrifice) and don't run exhaustion perks that burn out early in a chase.

    As for Bloodlust, it's so irrelevant that I had to go out of my way to get it so I could do that "use invitation to expose survivor while you are bloodlusted" challenge. Killers will be lucky if they get a single hit from Bloodlust all game.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    now, I could be wrong as it's been years since I've seen the numbers, but Bloodlust III is 15% movement speed.

    If you can't catch someone while you're moving AT LEAST 130% and they're moving 103%, you weren't gonna catch them while they were moving 100% either.

  • Member Posts: 138

    2nd July 2023 - "Made For This" was an obvious problem... 62 days now wow!

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    Because, unlike what some people like to say, survivor gameplay has quite a huge skill ceiling and most survivor players are very very bad. That doesn't change the fact that the game balancing is tuned towards good survivors by a wide margin

  • Member Posts: 566

    Yes, because killers can vault windows and drop pallets on survivors head to prevent them from escaping Kappa

    Bloodlust is a bandaid fix for M1 killers because of awful map design, as most M2 killers lose bloodlust when using their powers.

    Either way, the problem is not 3% mov speed by itself, but 3% speed means 20% more distance gained from the killer when running

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