Nerf made for this already.

This perk is ridiculous!
It amounts to literal "subtle speed hack".
Just like the previous meta with DH, it rewards survivor for doing absolutely nothing! its free.
except this time, they are not getting free health, its a free WIN vs any M1 Killer!
it makes no sense that the perk made it to live servers after all the complains there was about it on the test servers.
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Most maps are already plentiful with safe loops and pallets, when playing against a M1 killer. Now, you can loop the same structure or pallet even more before finally going down/dropping the pallet. All the while generator rushing is at an all time high. Yes, that sounds like balance... /S
We finally got rid of Dead Hard, a broken perk. And they replaced it by another broken perk to cater to the newer players. However, meanwhile more veteran players keep loosing matches against premades when not playing Nurse or Blight.
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It's clear that neither the maps, nor the loops themselves, were designed for Survivors to move even slightly faster than 100%. This perk can make good Survivors near-uncatchable against M1 Killers. There's a reason this kind of small speed increase was a favored tactic of subtle cheaters.
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Not only is this perk freaking overpowered by itself, but it combos with Hope in a crazy, probably unintended way (How the hell does that speed boost stack!? nothing stacks EVER for killers!)
and then, to add salt to injury, you can even run current DH on top of it for that extra free health state in mid-late game and spawn more FREE PALLETS from the event.
its absolutely assinine!
Who greenlight that fiasco!?
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You Killers have plenty of perks that reward doing nothing for free.
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It's not an issue. If my 10 year old niece can take out people with it easily on killer, I don't really feel it's that bad.
Leave it alone.
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My cats makes 4 survivors escapes.
see? I can make things up too.
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Thing is, when the DLC released, the perk everyone was complaining about was Scavenger, which was nerfed. MFT was not touched. Then it came to live servers, then give or take a week then the complaining about MTF started.
I'm not siding with anyone, just providing a timeline from my own observations that allows me to say that MFT wasn't the target of complaints during testing.
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I do think MfT should have the endurance effect removed from it, as it really doesn't need to be 2 perks in one.
As far as the speed boost I have only had issue with it as Huntress/Doctor/Knight, and technically shack as M1 Killers just feels like you need to burn the 3 window vaults as fast as possible. Also even then I can just use the Exhaustion add-on as Huntress, allow the Survivors to have fun by not playing Knight, but Doc is just outdated and needs some QoL updates. Fearmonger and Blood Echo counter MfT effectively enough, and it's kinda like complaining about Prove Thyself when Discordance hard counters it.
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I totally agree, we already have waaaaay too many sources of endurance in the game already, its such unfun to face as killer.
that's the very reason old DH got nerfed in the first place and, here they are, injecting yet more free health states into the game like they didn't learn how game breaking this is.
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I mean most of the endurance sources are anti-tunnel/scummy tactic counterplay, so I haven't run into them in any meaningful capacity. I just don't agree with 2 for 1 perks without sufficient conditions (Like No One Left Behind is crazy on paper, but only usable for like 10s every 5th match). I didn't even have an issue with the .5s DH because I saw so many failed uses (due to baiting/outplaying/latency), that I would argue I got more value from people bringing it than say Sprint Burst or any other perk, exhaustion or no.
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Except MFT isn't there to counter any "scummy tactic", same with old DH.
oh, you got injured? here's a free effect.
that's the issue.
last time I checked, killer hurting survivors isn't booked under "scummy tactic", yet anyways.
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I really hope they nerf it soon or at the very least buff Fearmonger to like 10 seconds of exhaustion so killers have a good answer for it. It feels so awful to play against.
A passive move speed boost for just being injured really hurts killers that don't need to be any weaker while leaving the really strong ones mostly unaffected. Plus it incentivizes and further rewards the boring and uninteractive hold W play style which does not need to be any stronger than it already was.
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Can you tell me the name of those perks?
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Not the person you replied to, but Lethal Pursuer is in most games and you literally just have to spawn in to activate it
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How is mft an issue? The 3% haste isn’t a whole lot, they may be able to greed a loop once more than usual but that’s about it, and it’s easily countered by using things that causes exhaustion to survivors, genetic limits makes the endurance effect you get from mft impossible to get, and it removes the haste, if you’re saying mft is what’s making you lose your games then you’re probably just not very good, run genetic limits if it’s that much of an issue
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The main use of MfT's endurance is to tank a hit after picking up a slugged Survivor. Intentionally slugging someone for long enough for them to be healed/recovered is generally considered bm/scummy, just as hard tunnelling off hook is as well. I mentioned the majority of endurance is anti-tunnel, so yeah, 'hurting survs' isn't scummy, hard tunnelling is.
To be fair I did say the majority of endurance benefits. Current Styptic is 5s of Endurance at the cost of the add-on and item, and I feel as though that is fair with enough counterplay, especially now that the Styptic doesn't grant Endurance for the same time a Syringe could heal (old green medkit with Botany and both Styptic+Syringe forcing an 8s lose-lose).
Again, MfT doesn't deserve to be 2 perks in one, and I love how Buckle Up is getting Endurance on the healed Survivor from the ground, but honestly they should take the entirety of MfT's endurance and slap it onto Buckle Up instead to make it an omega anti-slug perk.