DBD should have basic ping/audio direction commands
One of the problems of solo-Q and the game in general is the lack of survivor commication. Full comms is a flat out bad idea, but a few rudimentary ways for survivors to communicate would go a long way to help thag.
My experience is with Overwatch. Even before they added a robust ping system, there were a couple of commands that offered a voice line + a ping over the character's head. "I need healing" "Gather up Here" "Focus on the objective" "I'm getting ready to make a move" etc. The system prevents you from spamming it over and over.
So something like "Help!" "I Got This" "I can't" "Run!" "Go do gens (after 5th gen" "Go do gates"). And while a full ping would probably make aura reading perks less attractive, a brief indicator similar to a Scream outline or Killer Instinct to let the survivor know the general location would work. All of this info the killer can't hear.
I agree with having voice lines. It would help a lot.