Doctor and made for this

U can’t catch up survivors by shocking them.
If they have made for this, and the survivor hugs tied enough u can’t compete since u get slowed down.
Yeah, as a Doctor player Made For This pretty much ruined the event for me.
Bonus points because it also screws with Knight and Trickster, so 3 of my favorite killers just get bodied by it for no real reason.
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bro it feels terrible, I’m a slinger enjoyer, but I haven’t played him since the patch release, I’m basically only playing blight and wesker💀
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MFT needs a nerf.
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It's painful. I've been tryna farm forever and nobody will
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Color me surprised, who would have a though that a perk that gives a permanent speed boost for just being injured would be an issue...
Seriously, they gotta tweak this perk, and Hope is a close second, yeah its endgame, doesnt matter, its a permanent WAY stronger speedboost, just for finishing the gens, not even opening the gates.
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made for this with second effect its absolutely fine
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Wait for nicholas cage perks
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You don't 'catch up' to survivors using Shock Therapy anyway, you use it to prevent a vault/pallet drop and catch them out of position.
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This. Why are you expecting to catch up to a survivor while constantly using a power that slows you. Doctor is a not a mobility killer. His ability slows him down. If you arent using his power to deny chase extensions, youre not using his power right.
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Absolutely not, if they DONT have mft u can catch up to them slowly
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Which is an absolute waste of time.
Three years of playing Doctor and I've never done this.
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You see, the problem is with all killers. That perk is pure trash, as it makes a chase impossible to end. Unbalanced, that is the word. The base concept is the problem. The perk needs a kiklswitch or a complete rework. Being faster just because you mess up once in chase is not fair nor earned.