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Dedicated server is not responding,

shigavr Member Posts: 3
edited May 2024 in Bug Reporting

So, ever since the new killer came out I’ve been having this issue, and at first I thought it was because I used to play on my switch or my internet. But, after I got an Ethernet cord and connected to my switch, I was STILL having this issue. Then, I was recently gifted a new PS4, did the Ethernet thing and everything and I STILL get this. And, I get a penalty for something I can’t even control! It’s getting super annoying because I just wanna play and it’s hard when you’re juicing a killer then boom you get randomly connected or doing good as a killer then boom, disconnected. I have an 11 HOUR PENALTY for getting disconnected three times because the servers aren’t responding. It always says everyone DCed, but I was with a swf once and they were still in the game. BHVR, please fix this cause I can definitely see I am not the only one.

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