Thoughts about Smash Hit

My eyes lit up when I saw its name mentioned in the perk list for the upcoming patch since we can all agree that it's a perk that could use some buffs/tuning to be more viable but after reading the patch notes, I'm not satisfied. The devs glossed over its core issues that make the perk underwhelming compared to its exhaustion counterparts.
Smash Hit rewards the survivor with a 4-second Sprint Burst after stunning the killer with a pallet during a chase. While it sounds easy on paper, the killer roster bestows a good amount of killers who can simply ignore and go around this element of the perk i.e Nurse, Huntress, Nemesis, Deathslinger, etc. oh and not to mention, the perk was introduced with a RANGED killer *cough *cough. Whether the killer player is playing as someone who can shred through pallets or not, they can also drumrolllll... respect pallets!
Specific killers and respecting pallets... so what else is holding back the perk? The perk itself! Huh? How? Well what if I said that a killer can simply remember you have the perk so in other words, they're not going to let you pull off the perk once you manage to stun them with it.
Reducing the exhaustion timer won't help the perk since it's core issues were never addressed. Smash Hit needs a better activation to better compete with the other exhaustion perks. Here are my takes:
1) After dropping a pallet in a chase, gain a 2-second 150% speed boost. The duration is doubled if the killer was stunned.
2) After dropping a pallet in a chase, gain a 4-second 150% speed boost.
Both make the perk significantly better since they kill 3 birds with one stone. The first one rewards skillful play while the second one is objectively the strongest of the two. I believe this would make the perk a lot better since I actually like the concept of the perk but the other exhaustion perks easily outshine it.
I like it!
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Interesting, kinda like the pallet equivalent of Lithe. My only concern might be those odd cases where chase goes a little weird.
I was considering something similar such as:
When you drop a pallet, Smash Hit activates and that pallet is highlighted. If that pallet stuns the killer or is broken, gain a 3 second 150% speed boost.
This would mean utilising strong loops and good pallets would force the killer to break it, but gives you the boost to escape. Wouldn't help vs. Nurse or Wesker though.... so your version is a little more universally useful 😅
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I don't think people will run it. It will still be niche very rare perk as before.