Buying DLCs should provide your new characters with an advanced basekit

You'll have to manually prestige from one to three characters to make them more convinient for your overall gameplay each time you buy a DLC. To my mind, everyone who buys DLCs with real money deserves to skip that part of grind and get characters that are already prestiged to P3 and have all basic perks unlocked (and upgraded to the very rare quality) and a certain number of all non-event items/addons. This shouldn't apply to the characters bought with auric cells/iridescent shards.


  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528

    Ah, yes. PTW, we need that in DBD!

  • LeFreezy
    LeFreezy Member Posts: 228
  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,502

    Why, you can unlock this in a short while. Even if you save up bps before DLC.

    Besides you only need to unlock P1. to get the lvl 3 perk on the character you want.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited July 2023

    Auric Cells are bought with real money and Iri shards reward players who play a lot. If anything people who buy characters with Iri shards are probably more deserving than people who just pull out the credit card.

    Also with the bloodweb rework only P1 is annoying and getting characters immediately to P3 would mean you wouldn't need to touch them ever.

    Finally, PTW bad

  • LeFreezy
    LeFreezy Member Posts: 228

    Everyone has their own favourite characters so prestiging new characters to P3 and then leaving them in the dark isn't something new for the DBD. Yeah, at the start most ppl will choose to play new characters but instead of playing you'll have to sit and manually choose nodes on a several characters which kinda sucks, especially considering that you've paid with $$$.

    And how exactly is it p2w? You'll just skip needless grind, that's a normal practice in many games.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I absolutely agree P1 sucks to get through and I still don't get why they won't add the auto bloodweb to it, but it absolutely doesn't suck more because you paid money to get the character. Like, that's not an issue specific to people who spent their money.

    Ultimately i think it's kinda weird that you think you deserve more than other people because you made the decision to use your money on the game, knowing exactly what you're getting.

    If you decide to spend money on stuff your reward is to get said stuff, simple as that. Why should you get more stuff because others grinded enough to get the same thing for free ? I really don't get the "I didn't grind to get the characters so I deserve to skip the prestige grind altogether" argument.

    Also, it's P2W because the bloodweb isn't free. P3 costs over 3M BPs per character (about 3.5 M I think), and in a way it would also allow you to ignore the BP cap.

  • LeFreezy
    LeFreezy Member Posts: 228

    For some context, I've bought 14 non-licensed characters with iridescent shards during this sale and it was hell a lot of pain and took a lot of time to prestige them to at least P1. This kind of experience is very common for F2P players in many games. P2P, players, on the other hand, commonly spend money to skip the most boring and obnoxious part of grind. Is it fair? Yes.

    If buying DLCs provided me with characters prestiged to at least P1 I wouldn't have spent these 60k shards, I would've bought DLCs instead which would've saved me dozens of hours. I know how boring the progression is and thus I wasn't eager to spend real money on a non-licensed characters. But let's imagine a random newbie who just bought a game and also decided to buy several DLCs. From now on, they'll be forced to play in such games as "node selection simulator" and "get 10-20k bp per match". This isn't kinda customer friendly, is it?

    I'm just venting after all the suffering I went through and I definitely know that they won't add neither autoprestiged characters nor the autobloodweb on P0 characters. They just took the BP bonus from a F2P prove thyself making the things even more complicated so good luck grinding without 5 people bringing cakes :')

  • Chomperka
    Chomperka Member Posts: 188

    they should just make survivor items and offerings account-wide...

  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528

    And thats part of DBD, if you want powerful items and perks on your killer or survivor of choice, you have to spend time playing the game. What you suggested would be unfair for very new(first game players).

    Imagine loading in your first game as surv, and the killer is running around with 3 purple perks and addons such as honing stone. You as the survivor will not have a good time, and you will believe that those addons are basekit.

    Every player should have to go through the sane thing, regardless of wallet size.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    I disagree with OP...

    we don't need more pay to win in DBD.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,949

    Just 1 humble noobs opinion... As someone who bought a lot of the roster on both survivor and killer side, I'm kinda indifferent tbh.

    It quickly became apparent to me I liked this game, so I bought all the licensed killers to avoid repeats of missing Stranger Things. I then summarily found I REALLY like this game... so I bought the multi packs for the survivor and killer OCs, because I wanted to support the game.

    I don't see the grind as a big deal, DbD has a monster learning curb, playing characters with only a few perks and whatever add ons you can scrounge unlocked kinda simplifies your choices early on, and helps you actually learn each character with bare bones setups.

    I also don't think this suggestion would be pay to win, as if you get strong perks early, and don't actually learn how to play, you're not gonna make it far.

    That being said I wouldn't be too amiss if bloodpoint offering gave boosts to all players for each category like terrormisus. Even if not as strong at 50% bonus, that would be cool to bring new players in where their buddies, and even good guy killers can help give a newbie a headstart.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    The game absolutely has a horrendous grind issue for newbies, along with the P0 problem and BPs from games aren't enough (mostly for survivors), but making people pay to bypass those issues instead of fixing them would not be any good in my opinion.