Does Game Afoot+Dark Devotion work together?

Member Posts: 33
It would be a very interesting idea if they did activate together. I barely played SM and don’t have her prestige (and don’t want to play her for obvious reasons…), so I could not test it out myself. Could anyone tell me if the two cooperated together? Thank you.
Best Answer
Sadly, almost no obsession perks work with Game Afoot.
- Dark Devotion doesn't activate after hitting them.
- Nemesis won't show their auras or make them oblivious.
- Remember Me won't gain stacks.
- And Rancor doesn't down the person in a single hit, but you can still kill them after they get downed.
The only perks that have any synergy with Game Afoot is Save The Best For Last and Play With Your Food.
STBFL doesn't count the first hit as hitting the obsession. And PWYF allows you to keep getting tokens as your obsession gets switched around.