Survivors! Watch out for players like this

At the start of my match, Steve immediately follows me and starts spamming lockers and throwing pallets by me. I quickly realized this was a troll player so I tried to keep my distance. The map was Springwood and I go down to the generator in the basement of one of the houses. Steve finds me pretty quick and starts working on the generator with me. He stops a few seconds later and positions himself behind me. I didn't think much of it so long as he wasn't making noise for the killer. It turns out he was waiting for Meg to show up which I assume he was playing with. Meg runs down the stairs and immediately stands to my left body blocking me at the generator. They blocked me so well I wasn't even able to interact with the generator. With no option all I could do is stand there and wait for crows to notify the killer. These players were so toxic that after we all had crows they decided to scatter the moment the killer got close to make it look like I was AFK alone.
Thankfully the killer and the other Kate caught on to what they were doing and I have no doubt they were giving the other Kate trouble too. The killer dealt with them and after all 5 gens were done me and the other Kate decided to let the killer sacrifice us since the match was basically ruined by 2 toxic troll players. I just wanted to post this to let people know that there are players out there that do this and to be careful where you position yourself in the maps. You can get body blocked by other survivors in a lot of places. This has happened to me several times before, with a more recent one being on the RPD map.
There's always going to be this kind of players, sadly. And so far I don't think there's none to be done aside from reporting them. It would be nice to be able to do something in match to prevent it but I can't think of a way to do it. If I'm playing as a killer and I see a behaviour I don't like on survivor's side (like in your case, or survivors who just hide and leave their teammates to die) I will most likely try to kill the 'bad' survivors and let the other survies escape. And I have seen a few other killers do the same. So that's something. But yeah, it sucks when this happens. At least for me, it doesn't happen too often.
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Killers noticing some survivors are toxic and punishing them rather than the ones just trying to enjoy the game will always be cute to me.
Earlier I had a game with a friend where one person DC'd and the other solo killed themselves on first hook. When my friend got caught, he told me to hide and wait for hatch, as the game was basically over at this point. Since everything happened rather quickly, I didn't have much interaction with the killer (Legion).
When he caught me, he hit me on hook continuously until I died. The endgame chat looked something like this :
Killer : That's what you get for not helping your teammates ! Why wouldn't you unhook them ??
Me : [Solo] killed themselves on hook before I could rescue and [Friend] told me to wait for hatch ^^'
Killer : Wait, really ? I'm so sorry ! I thought you let them die !! I hope you'll have better games next, sorry again !
It was very cute how up in arms he was about a survivor not being altruistic !
I also got an Oni who took offense on my behalf when teammates blamed me in chat for their deaths, and defended me even when before he'd been a pretty ruthless opponent.
Anyways !
Sorry for the long comment, I'm just happy I met some cool people today and your situation reminded me of that. =)
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That was me on my alt account sorry was proving a point.
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Its always a Steve