New Item: Gloves [types]

Item: Gloves

Wearing gloves replaces a carried item [medkit/toolbox/flashlight] that have various add ons to them.

Ash Gloves: "Wornout cloth gloves." These gloves get in the way and cause more skill checks due to their frayed nature. Causes 4% higher chances for skill checks. "There are worn holes in the finger tips. Why am I wearing these dirty things?" [20 charges/seconds]

Yellow Gloves: "Oily Leather Gloves". Oily leather cloth mixed patterned gloves. Causes 6% higher chances for skill checks to occur. "These may have been nice at one point, but they are covered in some kind of sludgy dirty oil." [25 charges/seconds]

Green Gloves: "Pigskin leather gloves". These gloves are quite nice. Causes 8% higher chances for skill checks to occur. "These feel like they are almost part of your hands they are of such great quality!" [35 charges/seconds]

Purple Gloves: "Thick Leather Gloves". These gloves are thick enough its pretty hard to feel around with them. Causes 10% higher chances for skill checks to occur, and cause your progress on repair/healing/totems to be slowed by 10%, while giving you a 20% speed boost to lifting others off a hook. [40 charges/seconds]

Iridescent Gloves: "Thick Insulated Leather Gloves". While these can keep your hands warm, they really impair your ability to do most things. Causes 12% higher chances for skill checks to occur, and cause your progress on repair/healing/totems to be slowed by 12%, while giving you a 22% speed boost to lifting others off a hook and throwing pallets faster.

Add Ons:

Red String. "Wrapped around a finger to remind you to do something. I wonder what that was?" Repairing a gen while another survivor is hooked causes your exhaustion to decrease 20% faster.

Metal Clip. "Seems these are meant to help place these gloves away for safe keeping." Allows the gloves to not be lost on death.

Metal Chain. "A nice way to hang on your belt." Can see other survivors from 2 meters. Increases aura vision by 2 meters, including this one. (Total of 4 meters.)

Iridescent Hand Straps. "These tighten your gloves to fit your hands correctly." Increases healing speed by 10%.

Grave Digger's Charm. "Are these bones hanging as charms from the glove?" Increases blessing & cleansing speed while working on a totem.

ABS Hardening. "These glove's backs were painted with ABS Glue which hardened." Increases mend timer by 20%. Does not alter time to mend.

White Glove: can be turned into a tourniquet to prevent: a mending state; spending the glove instantly while canceling hemorrhage, bleeding, and mangled status effects.


Mostly I am trying to solve problems and make things more interesting with an interesting new item type.