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The Knight: Guards get stuck and The Knight makes a random M1-Move

HolyDarky Member Posts: 999


  • PC (Steam)

Description of the issue:

  • The Guards get stuck on some objects or run into a wall: Four days ago, The Assassin got stuck on some bushes on the map "Garden Of Joy". Today I got two of these bugs: First my Carnifix got stuck on the railing in the mainroom on RPD and then my Jailer ran against a wall next to a door (screenshot - I forgot to make a screenshot for the other two). In all cases it happened either at the beginning of the Hunt or during the Hunt. The Hunt-timer moves normally and after the Hunt the power reloads and I can use my power again.
  • Sometimes after The Knight send his Guard out, he just makes a random M1-Attack, which slows you down a little bit and feels so clumsy.

Steps to reproduce (if possible):

  • I was sending the Guard out, he found someone and then the Guard got stuck on something. Same for the second bug. So I am not sure how these bugs happen.

How often does this occur:

  • The first bug, I withnessed it three times. The random M1-Move happened two times.

This is all I can say about these bugs. I hope the informations are good enough for you to solve the problems.

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