A few suggestions I think DBD needs.
Hello everyone, these are a few things I think should be added to DBD.
1.) A new BP Shop where we can buy specific things with BP and trade in unwanted items for Bloodpoints.
2.) Allow the center button in the Blood Web for un-prestiged characters.
3.) Freddy NEEDS a rework in general, but my main problem is that half his power shuts off when the generators are completed. I don't think this should be the case. Also allow him to use both Pallets and Snares like the Clown switches his bottles.
I also believe his dream world mechanic needs to be upgraded, remove the survivor's ability to miss a skill check to wake up. Give him more items to place in the dream world, aka Dream Generators, Dream Doors, and Dream Vaults. Just spitballing here not sure what's actually possible.
4.) Myers also needs buffed/reworked. His stalk needs to be unlimited like Ghostface and should be reversed compared to the way it is now. AKA gain more stalk the farther you are away rather than up close where you should get less. Tier 1 Movement speed needs to just be made normal and Tier 2/3 go up from there. He should feel more powerful going up in Tiers.
5.) I'm not sure how to go about saying this, but survivors have too much time on their hands in the current state of the game. There should not be time to bully/mess with the killer. Gens pop way too fast. The fact that 2 gens can be done prior to Freddy and Sadako's teleport powers become usable is not right. No killer should be losing the trial prior to being able to fully use their powers.
6.) I know for obvious reasons people will disagree with this one, however I feel like there needs to be in-game communication on survivor side. I feel like this would help to improve the Solo Q aspect of the game. Even though yes there are people out there that will be rude and whatnot. There's plenty of people out there that would be more willing to be nice and helpful in the case of being matched with newer players.
Thanks for reading and again these are just my opinions.