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Memory 575575575

From my wasted youth it haunt me 

I tried to mask the pain 

Swallowing blood from my molar

It awakens from my insides 

tasting the blood wanting more wine 

more more more until everything in my mind fades away into darkness

She sense something wrong with me 

but didn't care , that's ok for me  

If i was dying i do it anyways 

the evaluation goes bad 

the thirsty beast takes hold of my heart

I start to feel like a ghost of myself  

why am i bleeding this time?

the "Mad Scientist" Heads toward  Santa Luz Hill 

Ancient architecture and nature 

Oh yes i can breath deep in here

beneath ancient trees 

you could see the moon´s reflection smiling at you in the asphalt that shines by the touch of rain 

If i would look back i would see the smooth fog that follows me

 blurring the fabric of space and time

erasing the limits of reality and dream

just like the ocean touch the sky over the horizon

but i was looking at the moon 

driven by the blues

now drinking in my favorite spot where i used to spend my solitary moments drawing or reading books that i found 

 as everything fades away from me 

 just one drink then i bury the beast in Dark Arts

I swallow the blood so here goes another Haiku Here goes nothing It says

I swallow the blood 5

Muack, The sound of a farewell 7

Cherry honey beer5 

I take my eyes away from the moon to see the city from this castle

but all that i could see was under the veil the fog .

I changed the name of the Hill to not use the real name idunno if thats a thing but anyways HAPPY MASQUERADE <3 <3