Items Discussion

I've been thinking on some things to myself about items and I thought, why not ask everyone else their opinions?
I'm more specifically referring to finding items in-game through searching chests.
All of my Dead by Daylight gaming experience, I've had a love/hate relationship with items and, more specifically, perk builds that center around scavenging items in the trial. Perks such as Plunderer's Instinct, Ace in the Hole, Appraisal, etc. I love the concept of just pumping out resources mid-trial to be utilized and, assuming all goes well, brought back to the hoarded collection. But at the same time, it can also feel like a massive waste of time for resources that might honestly not even be worth it, especially when running Plunderer's Instinct.
It might sound weird to say that given this perk is giving you higher quality items, but higher quality items can - and often does - amount to maps and keys. A map's not going to do much for you and while it's always exciting having a possible escape out of the hatch should things go wrong, I'm the kind of player who searches for resources for the team. You could say that a medkit to use on yourself is just as "selfish" a playstyle, but me healing myself makes me less vulnerable to the killer (hence buying chase time) and gives my teammates time to do objectives rather than patch me up. So, in the end, I find a medkit to be helpful to the team even if you're using it on yourself. A dull or skeleton key, however, does nothing for the team as a whole. And obviously, a broken key is worthless unless you're also running Ace in the Hole and happen to actually get an addon or two that do something.
Which kind of leads me to my problem with Plunderer's Instinct. Sure, it's awesome getting higher quality items when they're actually of an item type you want, but otherwise, it feels like more of a hindrance than an improvement. Maps aren't completely useless, but are often situational and a lot of players can locate the things they track. Keys are only useful for scrounging a surprise escape for one player at the end (unless, again, you're running Ace in the Hole and manage to get addons that work.) So that leaves flashlights, toolboxes, and medkits.
I'm really in no position to talk about flashlights since the only thing I can blind reliably is a Nemesis zombie.
Toolboxes are nice, of course, but if you get a lower quality one, the time you're saving on a generator is around the same time you spent opening that chest, and that doesn't include the time you took to run to that chest. Having a short burst of progress when you really need it can be incredibly useful, as Potential Energy can attest, but I feel like in many situations, looting a chest to get a toolbox will merely negate the time you spent finding and opening the chest. Sabotaging is always an option, of course, but I feel like to make that work somewhat reliably, you'd have to run a perk build revolving around sabotaging hooks.
So that leaves medkits, which I feel like (for a player like me, at least) are the only item worth looting a chest for mid-trial. If Pharmacy didn't have the injured requirement to activate it, I'd be running that perk waaayy more often. Not only does it guarantee the only item I see as worth spending the time to get, but it greatly reduces that time spent doing so.
As it stands right now, I feel like there's little incentive to actually hunt for items in a trial when you can just bring your own (likely superior quality) item that you have the option to shape your perk build around. Which I think is a shame, because while pumping out generators is obviously what needs to be done to escape, it's sad that other little "side quests," if you want to call them that, don't have much use or impact in the trial.
This is all just my opinion, of course. I'm really curious to hear what you guys think. :)
The medkit nerf kind of made Pharmacy pointless. The purple medkit and brown medkit are pretty much the same now if you use it on yourself. Toolboxes are really the only item id still consider at all powerful but as far as chest seeking goes you’d have to be using Ace in the Hole to get a good use out of it. Then you’re not guaranteed a toolbox unless you bring Scavenger which since it was nerfed post-PTB will reduce your repair speed after hitting 5 great skill check and recharge the toolbox. That makes it a better perk for sabotage than repairs.
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I have to point out: flashlights are still very useful too. They just aren’t useful to ME in particular lol
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Oh yeah, flashlights are definitely useful in the right hands. They're just definitely not useful in mine. XD
But I wonder how useful finding a flashlight mid-trial is. I figure most people intending to use a flashlight will just bring their own superior one with the addons they want before the game even starts. The only exception I can think of is Residual Manifest. Don't bring an item, scrounge up a flashlight, and surprise the killer when you have a flashlight he didn't see in the lobby. But that entails hunting down a chest, looting it twice, and then being in a situation to actually use it, which is all time probably better spent just working on a generator.
I feel like if you're looting a chest in Dead by Daylight, it's because you're desperate for a means of healing yourself. And you end up getting a worn out toolbox instead a good chunk of the time.
I'm not sure just being able to guarantee medkits from chests (without perks that guarantee otherwise) would be a good idea, but with the slowed healing rates and only being able to use a medkit once unless perks/addons are involved, it makes me wonder if it really would be so bad. I don't pretend to know what's best for the balance of the game at all, really. I just feel like chests as they are currently are just something survivors do if they feel absolutely certain they're going to get out, and that's assuming they don't already have a superior item on their person, which feels kind of sad to me having an optional thing to do in the trial that more often than not is probably just a waste of precious time.
But it's very likely that there are factors I'm not taking into consideration and that chests are actually more useful in-game than I give them credit for. What do you guys think?