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some of my perk ideas.

jarjargist21 Member Posts: 444
edited July 2023 in Creations

I will start by saying the dbd survey has inspired me to create these interesting perk ideas. Note I got inspired by seeing fnaf being on the survey also note the perks are mainly killer perks I will think of more give me time.

Night shift - When the gates are being powered and if survivors let go of those gates it'll start to decrease (80/90/100)

Animatronic fright - after hitting a survivor you gain a token, up to a total of 5 tokens, you're would be to able exposed any survivors with the 6 hit. (Has 20 second cool down)

Scrounge Hook: deadly preference - when the last gen gets done, this perk actives any survivor who gets hooked with a Scrounge hook at end game could be mori able after being downed.


  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    i think night shift would be better as something tacked on to some other endgame perk, it doesnt really seem worth running on its own.

    Im not a huge fan of animatronic fright, but im generally not a fan of easy instadowns. The event has shown me the face of bloodlusters getting rewarded for overcommitting and it scares me.

    Deadly preference doesnt seems amazing, I like the concept but there are better endgame perks. if you want an easy kill endgame bring rancor. Plus if they get unhooked while the gates are powered they are definitely escaping.

  • jarjargist21
    jarjargist21 Member Posts: 444

    Well these are really strong in an endgame perks.

    Like for example with this build, remember me, night shift, no way out and deadly preference could make the game much more challenging for survivors

    I do see where you're coming from tho, but for Animatronic fright is for rewarding the killer with one instadown for doing their job

    And I honestly want to see more Moris I might teak the deadly preference bit more.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    They've got strong effects but I feel there are better alternatives/dont work super well practically. For example night shift regressing gates is super good, 99ing is gone. But if they realize you have it they can just open the gate and deal with egc, which will take 4m to go down if someones hooked/in chase which is the only real reason they'd stay if the gates were open. I love the concept though, I had an idea for pain res where if you get a scourge hook in endgame then the gates regress to 0 if the perk is deactivated (so you cant get value from hard tunneling all game).

    I like the design philosophy for animatronic fright but I feel the effect would be kinda unfun to go against. its not like getting hits is easy by any means but randomly getting instadowned for your teammates mistakes doesnt sound fun even if powerful. Its similar to STBFL in that you only get value as a skilled player. But against AF you would just get instadowned, rather than just gaining less distance off on hit burst and still being able to express your skill to not go down.

    I'd also love to see more mori's! Their so cool yet so underutilized.

  • jarjargist21
    jarjargist21 Member Posts: 444
    edited July 2023

    I was think about changing Animatronic fright when you get 6 hits, you as in killer can instadown a survivor of any of your choosing ofc there's a timelimit.

    Originally idea for Deadly preference the killer gains a token, total of four it would increase your speed in endgame. But that's to similar to play with your food.

    Night shift is good as it is.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,239
    edited July 2023

    The name of the second perk could be changed but it's not bad

    Maybe basic attacks should be only way to gain stacks

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 949
    edited July 2023

    Night Shift does a job and isn’t all that special, it likely will get Survivors to open the Exit Gate if they notice the regression. Better utilized feeding into other Perks like Blood Warden or Remember Me.

    I don’t see how to change it without stepping on No Way Out or changing its effect.

    Animatronic Fright, as others have said is a bit cheap. No indication it’s in play other than when it happens, and no room for counterplay.

    I’d suggest changing it into the following:

    Surprise Party - The first time you Damage a Survivor, other than your Obsession, you gain a Token. Once you have three tokens, entering chase with your Obsession exposes them for 20/25/30s and resets this Perk. Damaging the Obsession also resets this perk.

    For Deadly Preference, I don’t like the lack of involvement prior to the Gens being completed, but I do like the idea of playing around with Mori’s. (Same sentiment with Rancor). Perhaps make it a Scourge Hook variant of Devour Hope that activates in endgame? Where it powers up based on how Many Scourge Hook Hooks you’ve gotten?

  • jarjargist21
    jarjargist21 Member Posts: 444

    That's the idea of how the perk should work. Basic attack could only work.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,239
  • jarjargist21
    jarjargist21 Member Posts: 444
    edited July 2023

    Actually like the sound of surprised party. It could do really well with nemesis.

    Deadly preference I had put more thought into it. At first I thought of Scrounge hooks that a gain able stack that increases your movement speed in the endgame or even after being unhooked you suffer from the exhausted and broken status effects for 40 seconds. But I kinda want to do something special with the moris, I want it to be at least different then devourer and rancor.