The Thing About The Singularity’s Perks


Jesus. It’s been about a year since I made one of these posts. I’ve got a drivers license, met the love of my life, dropped the game, graduated highschool, moved away from my psycho mother and picked the game back up again in the span of a year. Sounds less impressive layed out BUT I digress. The Singularity caught my eye because it was another one of those not exactly humanoid killers, and a fresh of breath air after whatever tf the skull merchant was. Hopefully in a year of time my comedy has improved enough to make at least one of you people laugh so here goes. Postly disclaimer, this is meant to be funny. If I diss your favorite perk, oops.

The singularity’s first perk is Genetic Limits. Pretty simple perk. Survivors heal, they become exhausted. However, I’ve noticed over the years the lack of new perks that cause exhaustion on survivors side has made a perk like this seem mediocre at best. I mean killers have a myriad of add-ons, fearmonger, septic touch, blood echoes, and a partridge in a pear tree that cause exhaustion and to be honest, it’s hard to get true value out of it without catching the Nea stuck in 2018 still running sprinto bursto off guard. Overall pretty mid. Run with blood echoes if you just want to force exhaustion eternally. Run both of these on Legion if you have no friends.

Second perk on the docket is Machine Learning. Kick a gen, make it “compromised.” When the survivors complete that generator, you get a whole 30 seconds of undetectable, and 10% haste. The cool thing is unlike other perks that seem pretty fun, this one’s effects don’t end if a survivor so much as sneezes the wrong way. I honestly thoroughly enjoy running this perk. It’s a nice suprise to survivors, especially being a newer perk, and 10% haste is not to be trifled with. Not to mention the amount of undetectable gives you plenty of time for some value. Or at least that fun feeling you get when you watch two survivors blow up a gen because they didn’t notice the hulking nemisis behind them until his fist was in their skull. Overall fun, but not meta defining. Run it with deadlock to have good uptime and a place to go after it pops.

Finally we have Forced Hesitation. When you down a survivor, any survivor within 16 meters of you runs with concrete shoes for a little bit before going on a cooldown for xyz amount of time. The perk sounds sick on rapid down killers like blight and oni, but in reality, getting any value out of it is like pulling teeth with tweezers. It can save you from the occasional clicky clicky, but background player exists, so if they really wanna be annoying, they will be annoying. Concrete boots or not. I’ve run it with infectious fright to attempt to discern value with little success. Mid tier perk, but has some potential to be fun.

As a whole, Singularly’s perks are nowhere near fantastic. However, they are pretty fun, and synergize extremely well with existing perks. Fun to use, fun to see. What does the community think? Are these perks hot garbage, or am I washed and they’re the second coming of og ruin? Is my comedy improved from whatever cringe I posted the last two years? Or is this more ######### then post at this point. Let me know how wrong I am in the comments. With that, I bid you farewell, until I get bored and post again to the one person reading this.