DbD Historical Meme Collection.

I'm really curious as I wasn't always part of the community. I know as of late "It wasn't programmed to hurt the crew" is an iconic short copy pasta that has been born, but what other memes have you seen?
Please feel free to share them here.
Nea is actually the Entity.
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not that old but one of my favourites
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Here's a few of the more popular running jokes :
- Pretty good job so far - from the video posted above
- Nea is the entity - from Samination's DBD parodies
- Blendette - Claudette's P3 shirt was the same color as most of the walls so she was invisible when crouched
- Nerf Pig - I'm not sure how it started tbh
- DemoPls NURSE OUTDATED DemoPls SPIRIT OVERRATED DemoPls LONG HAVE WE WAITED DemoPls DEMO ACTIVATED - Twitch Copypasta, I assume it's still a thing
I don't spend much time on DBD related spaces except here though, so I'm most likely not familiar with a lot of them.
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This is still beautifull
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Slow the game down, just a little bit.
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"Go Play Civilization, its a good game." Mathieu Cote, game director, on how unfair the game was for killer. Unhappy with the state of the game? Play something else! Simple!
"Done a pretty good job so far" Mathieu Cote on how well he thought the team had done balancing dbd about 6 years ago. (he was wrong)
"doing gens. You?" This ones funny. This comes from a youtuber who chase the killer for 20 ENTIRE MINUTES while claudette (the only other survivor left) decided generators were not worth her time, and chose instead to hide the whole game. When asked in endgame chat what the hell she was doing, she responded with this iconic line.
"Nea is the entity" A very old meme. Neas model used to be super ugly so people called her the entity.
"Reverse Chainsaw Into A Quentin Hiding in a Corner" The words of Otzdarva when he reverse chainsawed into quentin hiding in a corner. pinnacle of skill.
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I remember the Otz one about the Reverse Chainsaw into Quinten hiding in a corner! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I loved that one!
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I love this
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Oh and how could I forget "You opened the box, I came"
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Here’s another Otz meme
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Freddy's lunge attack hitting you 10 miles away. Above the meme of his actual range in-game.
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Did this actually happen in game? Like did the model stretch?
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Quinton before his character rework, back when he was the epitome of male goblin physique in dbd
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I remember Pizza Dwight squads
good times
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Not so exaggerated like you see in the picture. It's invisible in-game which makes distances on his hits deceptive compared to what you see on-screen.
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I still run that outfit on my Dwight, mostly as respect for Puppers, it was one of his favorite outfits.
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Cursed feng
I can't remember the name of the funny bug/meme below - there was one that was used (does anyone remember?). But that's me running around with my hands stretched out behind my back! Years ago there was a bug where the game would think you're still on the hook and this would happen. When you eventually died on the hook, you'd start falling under the map. Was VERY funny.
Booping the snoot:
Myers ninja kicking a gen (I believe this is a real in-game screenshot).
Myers with a chainsaw... yes this is a real, in-game screenshot:
Idk if this really counts but there was an *interesting* dev stream with not_queen (former community manager) wearing this, questionable gestures also happend:
Horvath is a former DBD game designer and occasionally appeared on the weekly/fortnightly dbd streams. He liked to spin his pen... people took notice and there is even a fan steam group about it:
Ugly old Quentin model
Not so much a meme, but this was a funny bug in a PTB a few years ago:
Samination is a talented YouTuber who has made a lot of popular dbd memey animations:
Maurice is a beloved horse in DBD. She was taken away abruptly in a patch, but eventually returned! Players often pet her:
Bjorn misspelled Mathieu Cote's (the Game Directors) name once (I think!) and so it became a meme to always misspell it or his title for the dev streams:
- Soon TM is a popular meme. There used to be weekly and then fortnightly dbd dev streams - they were very frequent. The devs answered a lot of questions - a lot of them were also answered with "Soon". The questions answered with "soon" weren't usually that accurate! But the devs themselves started to say it as a half-joke/meme anyway.
- "Ded ard" is kinda a meme - relating to the perk Dead Hard of course. The streamer TrU3Ta1ent said it often when getting frustrated with the perk and it caught on.
- Also there was this other YouTuber/Streamer who made funny IRL dbd skits. One of the funniest was when they pretended to be in a BHVR meeting, planning buffs/nerfs. Can't find them!
There's more, but yea! I'll add more if I remember more.
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Gotta love the classic Monto videos. Back when he did the perk wheel challenges, whenever he got Ruin, the famous line "to slow the game down just a lil' bit" came out.
Then you have all the classic No0b3 quotes:
"Cauldwind Faaahm"
"I'm so boosted!"
"I'm so taking a fat facecamp after this"
"Time for the TOXIC infinite my duude"
"And to make things even worse for the survivors, we're gonna bring a mori" 😈
Man, the old days of DBD was truly a golden age. Monto, No0b3, Puppers, and many more of the content creators who aren't as active these days. Respect for Puppers, he was a good man
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This is probably my second favourite one (I cannot post my favourite one here if be banned)
They vs ######### players. Talk to people who don't. I'm ######### amazing at this game and many games. Couls t say the same for you so I find it hilarious you're judging my skill. It's like a kid with 2 left legs watching a pro footballer saying they suck and to admit it lol humourous
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This is so beautiful. Thank you