The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

I do my best, in life in general, and on this forum/in dead by daylight to be helpful

I do but it seems most people on this forum either started playing the game in the past few years or truly don't think through what they're saying and arguing (not debating). It's just sad. One example is how people think prove thyself, tool boxes and brand new parts are broken. When in reality they're pretty balanced currently. Even before the Nicholas Cage update. Brand new parts used to be able to finish entire generators and people complain about 25%? Generators used to be able to spawn so close where prove thyself could work on both, yet people complain about people rushing, most likely, one Gen at the beginning of the game? NEWSFLASH: There're plenty of counter perks with multiple build archetypes. People want to complain about how toolboxes are currently? They used to be able to have up to 200+ charges. Yet people complain about today's toolboxes which I think at most have less than 50. It should be noted, I play killer and have more fun then playing survivor.

Along with countless other little things that aren't actually broken. In reality you most likely, believe it or not, aren't good at the game. Most people in most games aren't good. That's just a fact of life. It takes time and a lot of learning/studying/practicing to get good at something, including games.

I get there are some actually broken or borderline broken things in the game but most people on here aren't actually complaining about the true ways those things are broken. Made for this(and hope combo) being a big example. Sure it's really strong but not broken (except against tier 1 Myers bc of the equal speed).

I get that pentimento/plaything is really strong but it's not broken. I do think overall it hurts the game (once again I like playing killer more than survivor).

I just read through a post some, replied and read some replies revolving around totem spawns. They did get redone a few years ago. They are a lot better on those maps overall. Sadly, for some reason all the maps released since haven't had the same treatment. People think a totem spawning next to a tree or locker or Gen is bad. Imaging it spawning out in the open by absolutely nothing, that's a bad totem spawn, which existed before the redo.

Most of you sound like entitled 2 year Olds. Which actually, most 2 year Olds that I've met are way more mature than most of you. Once again that's really sad.

No one is forcing you to play the game. If you truly think so much is wrong with it, speak your mind once and stop playing the game. Behavior devs do an absolutely amazing job on the game, keep actual bugs and glitches to a minimum, constantly work to improve it(which most of you don't understand a millionth of what goes into making a game). Yet you all just complain and b!c!h. How about being grateful for the countless things that are above and beyond done well?

So many of you complain about the game being unbalanced? NEWSFLASH: It's an asymmetrical game, it's never going to be balanced, not in your wettest dreams. It's not possible, so get that ignorant thought out of your Minda.

It ticks me off when people want to complain about a game in every possible way. There could be 99.99% of game working perfectly forever and you mf would just complain about the .01% that's not perfect bc you don't appreciate anything.

Then you're going to argue "I'm just letting them know what's wrong with their game and trying to help make it better". No you're not. You're complaining and telling them that it's wrong or broken or that you hate it. You're berating then with more hatred and insults. When in reality they probably already are aware of the concer seeing how countless others are bandwagoning the same thought that they probably didn't have in the first place.

The average person in the dbd community doesn't deserve to play the game or the devs that work so hard on it.

How about all of you start having your own original thoughts and start appreciating how great the game is, how much of a privilege it is that you get to play it in the first place?

I'm just so aggravated and disappointed with the community. Not all but most.

I just needed to vent.


  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Yep, when people lose and can't improve I notice they come here to complain and nag for nerfs.

    It's getting old. Keep nerfing stuff and I'll just get bored and spend my time and money else where. I don't buy characters for perks (on killer and survivor) to just see them get nerfed all the while the game is littered with bugs. Where is my money going to? Nerfs? Idk lol.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456
    edited July 2023

    A lot of people complain, yes. And not always with the right intentions.

    However, you calling Brand New Parts not busted simply because they were worse in the past just shows your true colors.

    “Nurse is fine now because in the past she could blink 9 times!”

    The same goes for denying Made For This, Prove Thyself and toolboxes (commodius) being busted. They are unhealthy for the game and need to go. The same way facecamping and hard tunneling are a problem.

    This whole post reads as “I am an entitled survivor main who uses this stuff and am pissed the community at large is complaining about what I use because now it is getting nerfed”.

    And that’s the real problem with this community: a lot don’t care about the overal health/balance of the game. They care only about themselves and their crutches. Me, me and me. It’s the same people complaining when Dead Hard got nerfed. And it is the same people defending Blight’s add-ons as “balanced”.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,391

    People usually parrot content creators. And don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with watching content creators (I watch them too) but content creators tend to fearmonger and exaggerate for click$, and a bunch of their followers will then flock here and repeat instead of coming to their own conclusions. This will never end. I feel content creators have much more sway over the playerbase now than they did years ago.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,052

    The irony is that the closer generators are, the easier they are to patrol, the more spread out they are, the harder they are to patrol. So generators close enough to trigger Prove would actually make great patrol focuses.

    Brand new part is effectively 22.5 charges, it’s an entire toolbox in and of itself. As a standalone addon I don’t think that’s well balanced.

    I don’t find the design philosophy of Toolboxes being used to crank out the last few gens to be healthy. Thankfully few Survivors do that (in my MMR at least), but the reason for my opinion is the same as with the old Mori, you’re just bypassing player engagement just for a win.

    Survivors at the start have inherent split pressure, so it makes sense that gens will go by quickly at first. But that doesn’t mean it feels great being nearly halfway to losing when you’ve still got quite a bit to do.

    If they properly spread the last few gens across the map and have Toolboxes? Well that’s a quick match without much engagement at all unless you tunnel or camp.

    If the Killer doesn’t get a good first chase in they get dumpstered unless the Survivors royally screw up.

    Of course there are counters to this, gen block and gen regression (though regression for most Perks ties in with getting a down first, so not too useful for early gens unless you catch out a Survivor), not much room for else aside from being a Gen sentinel, which is kind of just slapping on bandages to the issue.

    Survivors sure have been getting a lot of built in tools to help prevent the Killer from “removing engagement”. Endurance off Hook, anti-camp, and if they get 3-gen prevention?

    I’m not against this stuff (because it is healthier) but come on. This is on top of Pallets loaded at Trial start, Endurance Perks, Flashlights, Exhaustion Perks, Sabo, Terror Radius and Haste effects!

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,052

    Also regarding Totem spawns, it’s simple.

    Hexes don’t give the player agency on their placement. (Apart from Pentimento)

    So the finger can always be placed on the system instead of the player.