Shattered Hope buff

Instead of only boons being destroyable, make it so any totem can be destroyed (including Hexes), so it's at least usable if the Survivors don't bring any boon perks.
Just imagine the fun builds with things like Haunted Grounds or Retribution!
You could also kinda fix this by adding a new general boon perk so the boon mechanic isn't locked behind dlcs.
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I don't know if it would be balanced, but it sure would be funny to see a killer kick his own hex totem.
I am concerned about the pentimento value though, it may make getting 5 stacks too easy.
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- Start game
- Have Corrupt
- Have Penti
- Have Shattered
- Enjoy permanent 30% slower gens, healing, recovering and gates
- Play Plague and combine with Thanatophobia for 50% slower gens
- Win.
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Perfectly balanced 🙏
But on a serious note, Killer also doesn't know where the Totems are, so if you're looking for them all game Survivors have enough time to find and cleanse one before you could probably even get 2 or 3 stacks of Pentimento, and since the Killer would also bring Corrupt, he would give Survivors free Generator progress before even finding the totems, not even mentioning that Survivors would find your Totems on the side of the map that you just left.
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issue is that blight can run haunted ground, hex:penti, hex undying and shatter hope. you could potentially light all 5 totems within first 2 minutes of the game if you find remaining two totems.
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I just made a discussion about this very same thing yesterday I believe. I gave some possible restrictions on it such as making it so the broken hexes only work at half effect if they are worried about potential OP perk abuse with haunted, retribution, and finally pentimento. Also, they could limit the amount of hexes you could destroy to a set number like 2 or 3 to prevent permanent pentimento as soon as the game starts.
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Maybe all other Totems could become blocked for 60 seconds after breaking a Hex, similary to how Hex: Plaything does it.
The description could go like:
Shattered Hope
- You are able to break Totems.
- Breaking a Totem this way reveals all Survivors within 32 metre radius for 6/7/8 seconds.
- Breaking a Hex Totem blocks all other Totems from being broken by the Killer for 60 seconds. (Visually they're blocked like Plaything Totems, Survivors can still cleanse the blocked Totems)
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This might be a WAY better way of going about it. I like this.