Pop is currently unbalanced, needs a small nerf.

Let's compare pop with pain res, arguably 2 perks that reward you for hooking.
Pain res:
-25% regression.
-can only be used 4 times. (so it roughly counts as 1 gen worth of regression)
-Sometimes you can't even hook because there are no scourges around.
-It regresses the most worked on gen, which could be good or bad, depending on your strategy and gen distribution.
-30% regression (5% more than pain res already).
-no stacks limit, can be used every time a survivor is hooked. So at least it counts as 2 gens worth of regression if the killer manages to kick just 5 gens. Forcing survivors to do at least 7 gens worth of repairing to escape.
-It can be even stronger during the ending where one survivor is probably eliminated and there are no resources on the map (people go down more frequently and they can't keep up with the regression)
-You can choose which gen to regress, so as a skull merchant, knight or any killer who benefits from a 3gen it can be very strong since you don't want to forcefully regress the most worked gen (like pain res does) but the gen in the area you're protecting.
So one has 4 stacks of 25%, the other has no limit of 30% regresion for each hook. Why wasn't this even questioned?
In my opinion, Pop needs stacks. Maybe 4 stacks of 30%, or 6 stacks of 25%. As it is right now, it's problematic. I think some killers take this perk for granted and they don't understand how strong it has become.
POP's regression is a percentage of current pogress. The generator needs to be at ~84% for POP to remove more progress than PR.
9 -
Awww, this is cute, and I mean it.
Your righteous anger would be well placed, if POP indeed worked like old pop, ie remove a flat percentage of progress from a gen, but after it's rework in 6.1 it only removes a percentile of the work already done! So 30% of a 99% gen is basically 30%, but if a gen were 50% done, then pop would only shave off 15%. Or 7,5% from a 25% done gen.
It's not a bad perk, but you need a gen with some progress, to really make it count. It can still come in clutch, but two rapid kicks could regress a gen instantly by 50% in the past, but that's not possible anymore.
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Maybe before complaining about a perk, you should read what it does.
The current Pain Res is basically Old Pop, but you can only do it 4 times.
The current Pop is basically Old Pop, but it's worse in every way unless the gen is 99%.
You see the difference in comparison?
Pop used to be unlimited Pain Res. The one you're bothered about right now is if Pop was dissected and put back together in a shittier way.
Point is, Pop does 30% of CURRENT progress.
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Correct me if I'm wrong bc I haven't used pop in a bit but doesn't it have a timer?(unless they removed it) Plus pr can affect any Gen across the entire map, right?(haven't used it yet)
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yes it's 45 seconds timer plus the percentage removed is based on the current gen progress not the total so in order for the pop to be meaningful the gen needs to have a high progress.
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hot take incoming: there are no good regression perks left. Pop and PR are trash, Jolt is a sad joke, the fact that people actually use these three perks is an even worse joke. The only perks even remotely worth using are Corrupt Intervention and Deadlock, and frankly even those are starting to lose their appeal when compared to just playing hyper aggressive with devour hope/undying/noed/nowhere to hide. Regression perks no longer really provide enough of a benefit compared to expose/instadowns and instakills to be worth running instead of them.