The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

a few suggestions, mostly quality of life ones

one daily for each side per-day:

as of right now, when you log in each day you get a random daily, problem with that daily is that maybe is a killer daily when you want to play survivor, and vice versa. the solution is clear, there are two main sides in this game, just give two dailies, one for each side

let choose from more than one daily per day:

same as before, maybe you enter the game and are planning on playing a stealth killer, but you get a daily to play as blight. instead, a choice screen should appear with maybe 3 options, and you choose one of the options and you get that daily. same with survivor side even if not as important since survivors dont differ as much between them

incentive for completing tomes 100%

as of right now, when you complete a tome you get a charm, the charm is ok but once you have it and when the rift is closed there is not a lot of incentive towards completing the rest of the challenges, and even if you complete them the only thing that you get is a completed tome that doesnt do anything for you. the solution to that is to for starters, maybe give a cosmetic related to that tome once you complete al challenges of onse side to the player completing it. for example if you complete all of survivor challenges in tome 15, you get some special heads for ashley, thalita, renato, mikaela and felix, if you complete all killer ones you get special heads for trapper and skull merchant. each tome should have special cosmetics like that.

also, once you complete a tome 100% there should still be something that should be done with the tome, maybe a special weekly challenge could be unlocked from each tome that is hard to do but also rewards a lot of bps for doing it, that way you get incentive to complete tomes and players that already have all tomes completed still get some challenges to do. that challenge should feature the characters on said tome also.