Doctor QoL Add-on Buffs

Doctor is more than a bit outdated, especially against MfT and other forms of power creep. Here are some simple buffs to the common classification of add-ons to modernize his potential a little bit. This does not adjust the Madness features like Illusory Pallets or Illusory Doctor spawns.
Discipline: Arguably the best, and in a good place. No changes.
Restraint: Currently reveals aura for 1/2/3s on Madness tier up (based on add-on rarity). Buffed to double duration, and exhaust the Survivor for either the new 2/4/6s in line with the aura reveal, or exhaust for half that at the original 1/2/3s.
Calm and Order: Currently Calm adjusts the TR dependent on whether the Blast is ready or not, and Order adjusts the Blast's cooldown. Option 1: Put both effects on 1 of the add-ons, and the other gets a 20/30/40% speed penalty reduction when performing any shock actions. Option 2: Each add-on gets the speed penalty reduction, but one to the Static Blast, and the other to the Shock Therapy. This would probably be better if Shock Therapy needs lower numbers to be fair. See math below.
Static Blast Speed: ~25% or ~1.16m/s Live, ~40% or ~1.85m/s T1, ~47% or ~2.2m/s T2, ~55% or ~2.54m/s T3, ~63% or ~2.88m/s T1+T2, ~70% or ~3.23m/s T1+T3, and ~78% or ~3.57m/s T2+T3.
Shock Therapy Speed: ~67% or ~3.08m/s Live, ~74% or ~3.39m/s T1, ~77% or ~3.54m/s T2, ~80% or ~3.69m/s T3, ~84% or ~3.84m/s T1+T2, ~87% or ~3.99m/s T1+T3, and ~90% or ~4.14m/s T2+T3.
There could be an argument for keeping Shock Therapy numbers lower, so that you can't spam shock and catch up over time. In that case maybe 10/20/30% would have the T2+T3 cap at the T1+T2 values listed above.
Giving him a source of exhaustion, and reducing his speed penalty would likely help him be able to utilize his power without being overly punished.
iri king used to apply exhaustion in the past. there used to be 5th affliction for doctor which was called obedience add-on. it was an add-on that made his skill-checks have reverse effect and it applied exhaustion.
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Interesting, it also looks like the shock range add-ons also had charge speed penalty, which in effect would also increase the speed penalty in a different way. Maybe they should just reverse the charge speed penalty into a boost on those add-ons instead of my speed adjustments, but I think Restrain should absorb the exhaustion effect and longer aura still. The scream on Madness tier up already essentially reveals them for nearly the 3s, so it only really gets value if combined with Lethal at the moment.
If they reversed the old charge speed penalties into boosts, the speed numbers would be the following over 1 second: Live 3.84m/s, Mouldy Electrode 5% 3.878m/s, Polished Electrode 10% 3.916m/s, High Stimulus Electrode 15% (Or T1+T2) 3.954m/s, T1+T3 20% 3.992m/s, and T2+T3 4.03m/s. (This simplified calculation above is based around reaching 3.08 at half charge, but technically is slopes downward. So I used half the charge time at 4.6 and half the charge time at 3.08, with the spare time back up at 4.6)
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they usually do not increase m/s of killers charging power. they decrease charge time so your slowed for less amount of time. for example billy's chainsaw or pig ambush dash have those types of add-on's to get slowed for less time.
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Yeah, that was what I was saying, my original suggestion reduced the slowdown itself instead of the time spent slow. That's why if they reversed the old electrode charge time penalties into a charge speed increase that would serve the desired goal in a better manner.