The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Pips should be based on Hook States not Kills

Pips are like tokens that allow you to increase your grade. One of the Requirements for Piping is getting hooks but more importantly, killing survivors in order to Pip up.

I think that the pip system may have to do with why killers have to play so harshly. If the community doesn't like tunneling and camping and all these other terms that are toxic and not healthy terms. Then maybe it shouldn't be incentivized to do those actions for certain aspects of the game.

Being a killer can feel intense thinking about how you have to manage four separate people and try to "win."

Why should you be incentivized to get more hook states than kills?

  1. It will make the game more fun and more relaxing for both sides. You should feel more rewarded doing 8 separate hook states rather than 2 or 3 kills and being a quote-on-quote win
  2. changing pips to be based on hook states can change the definition of what winning is for killers. Instead of a 3-kill match being considered a win maybe 8 hook states could be considered a win by entity. After all, if the Entity feeds off emotions the change in survivor's emotions from feeling like they're on edge to die because they're death hook and then escape with joy should feed the entity even more.
  3. Changing pips to be based on hook states would also make killers no longer feel like they need to do toxic terms like tunneling, camping et cetera.

yes, I know this won't fix the entire issue of unfun gameplay for both sides but this could ease back what both sides feel like they have to do in order to win.

Maybe something like this could also be implemented into survivors as well as we have been seeing more people DC near the ends and beginning of matches because things don't go their way.

Simple changes to Pips and other things in the game could be the difference between an unhealthy community mindset to a more healthy mindset of hey we all did a good job.


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,339


    1 point for hooking each survivor at least once.

    1 point for having at least 9 hooks

    2 points for survivor being sacrificed/mori'd/dc.

    0 points for dying on the ground


    1 point for hitting a survivor

    -1 point for survivors healing or escaping from grasp

    2 points for survivors reaching a new hook state.

    The emblems already favor killers who hook rather than not.

  • JdoHybrid428
    JdoHybrid428 Member Posts: 87

    You do know the current emblem system is purely for bloodpoints once a month, right?