The Nightmare/Freddy Kreuger Buff Suggestion: Let Freddy teleport to Complete and Blocked Generators

I am a Freddy Main myself, and I have noticed this huge flaw in Freddy's Dream Projecton power.
I generally don't understand why this wasn't implemented in the first place, as Freddy's Dream Projection ability is essential to his kit.
When a Generator gets complete, it becomes unusable by Freddy and removes a core asset to Freddy's power. This shouldn't be the case.
It gets worse in the endgame, as all Generators are blocked by The Entity, and Freddy can't project to blocked Generators.
I feel like Freddy would be a little more useful if he could project to any generator regardless if it is complete or blocked by the Entity.
Freddy is another "Trapper" without his ability to project to Generators.
Freddy is one of the most Iconic "Slashers" in Horror History, and I think Freddy deserves more time put into him, or maybe another Rework (or Rework Revert if necessary).
Please consider my recommendation,