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Is console dbd really that much worse than PC for killer?

Applicant Posts: 18

I am a fairly experienced dbd player having played frequently for 2 years now. I have amassed over 14.8k kills in dbd on Xbox and play most killers, I would like to ask how much of a difference you believe there is between console and PC dbd. I have never played on a PC and often see many players use console as an excuse for poor play or a reason for a bad performance. To me I don't see the supposed weaknesses of console on the majority of killers including Blight, Huntress, Nurse etc. I understand that something like flicking hatchets is more difficult but I personally think that is a poor style of play and is unreliable anyway. As for Blight I truly feel there is almost no difference other than increased difficulty, the same with Nurse. They are both capable of everything a PC player can do imo. However there is no denying console is way more difficult and therefore is harder (Consistency can be incredibly difficult and you typically won't see even the best console killers be as consistent as a good PC player). But it seems like people feel like it's genuinely impossible to play certain killers on console. The one killer that is tremendously nerfed on console is Oni imo as many of his flicks are tied directly to DPI unlike Blight which is more technical and based around pre-turning. But that's just it, that's my opinion. Please let me know your experiences and opinions on how you view the difference between console and PC for dbd killers :].

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  • Member Posts: 2,785

    While I've never played dbd on PC, the only issue I ever have with console is that sometimes the auto aim can screw me over, and I don't know if that's a console thing or general thing. Outside of that I've never had any issues. Hillbilly is fine despite many people claiming he's even harder on console than he is on PC. So is Blight. So is Nurse.

  • Applicant Posts: 18

    Yeah Auto-aim can be a little frustrating. I don't know whether or not it's more common on console or not though. If I'm not focusing I do occasionally fall victim to the evil auto-aim😂

  • Member Posts: 504

    MKB is just easier.

  • Member Posts: 1,373

    Honestly no, console is like a new language you just have to use if and get used to it

  • Member Posts: 514

    It is difficult, Console have a harder time hitting skillchecks because of framerate issues. Console also struggles with aiming, even thogh some can overcome this the lack of decent controller settings massively impact high skill aiming killers. Also, even if a select few can get around the aiming hurdles, a large majority are not that skilled. Lastly, controller gamers also struggle from bad keybinds by default, that a large majority will not even know how to change. All in all, console has it pretty bad and this is just for Xbox Series and ps5 <etc.> god save our Switch allies.

  • Member Posts: 411
    edited July 2023

    For me it's the input latency from higher refresh rate that makes the biggest difference. On nurse and huntress it's worlds apart. Even though I leave the game at 60fps, because my desktop refresh rate is set to 120 I get the input latency similar to 120. I'm not sure why that is. I play with a controller as well and the auto aim thing happens on PC too.

    Skill checks are another huge thing. There's no adjusting for delay when hitting the skill check like I had to do on Xbox.

  • Member Posts: 8,864

    As someone who's played both... controller sucks, lol. Simple things like turning is alot slower and chunkier on controller. Makes it alot harder to run jungle gyms and such with alot of killers who's abilities would USUALLY allow them to excel. With Huntress for example, I would normally be able to chase someone around killershack, raise a hatchet when I get the door and turn fast enough to be aiming at the window.

    The speed of my turn is only limited to how fast I can move the mouse. The speed of my turning on console however IS limited. This also affects dumb stuff like flashlight save attempts. Attempts where I'd be able to turn quickly and avoid a flashlight on kb/m result in a successful blind on controller.

    So... I really can't wait til consoles get KB/M support. I don't know why this isn't already a thing. It seems so simple since we can already plug in a USB keyboard for typing.

  • Member Posts: 333

    i play this game on switch and pc and by god switch killer is so soooooo bad, it's pretty much impossible to compete as any killer that requires precision and fast turns, and even the simple basic attacks are a challenge

  • Member Posts: 8,864

    Thought I was the only one on switch, lol. You play with the joycons?

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    PC has better performance, more FPS. And mouse & keyboard is simply more versatile than a controller. Being able to quickly flick your camera with Nurse or Singularity makes a big difference.

  • Applicant Posts: 18

    Yeah Switch is a whole different realm to most other dbd platforms. Must be tough on there

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    The main difference is higher sensitivity and having more control of your character, on console you'll never be able to react as fast as you would with a PC , console 100 percent sensitivity is like 50 on PC and even then I can still move my mouse to look or change directions faster than you could with a controller it's also another reason people prefer PC over console in shooter games like call of duty or pub g, the reaction time and the accuracy is more consistent and faster

  • Member Posts: 81

    For survivor yes, for killer not really, a lot of killer things are easier on pc but still possible on console

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    A console killer gets 360'd, cant turn corners as well therefore adding time to chases, cannot aim as efficiently...

    Yeah, its not good.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    On console you basically don’t play super movement based killers

    It’s why if you play against a console oni vs a pc oni it’s like night and day basically an entirely different killer

  • Member Posts: 133

    Yeah on console there are times that no matter how well I predict or outplay the survivors, due to the limitations on turning speed etc, I'll get someone 360 and end up auto aimed to hit a tree or worse the camera snaps to swipe at thin air. I'm sure all console killers have had that happen before. Certain killers are much more difficult, I wouldn't say impossible but definitely more difficult (looking at you trickster). The very high mobility killers like oni, blight and billy again aren't impossible just harder to make the best of.

    Plus there is other stuff, like I'll see say otz at a pallet and he's like just look down to avoid the flashie. Yeah that's not happening for console peeps, can't do it quick enough. Also no reshade or bright as daylight filters. Honestly I've seen some streamers and their games are so bright and saturated, it almost hurts my eyes lol.

    I guess all us console killers have just had to learn how to play a bit differently.

  • Member Posts: 3,941

    The game is pretty smooth for consoles on next gen consoles, it's about as good a decent PC. Yeah ofc someone rocking a aircraft carrier in their bedroom will have advantages, but forbthe most part the game is fine on NG consoles.

    Last gen consoles have a notable disadvantage ofc, inconsistent frame rates are pretty darn punishing.

    Otherwise it's just controller difference, and a pad will never match mouse and keyboard... I played a game on my mates PC (I have issues with my right hand so couldn't play long) and I absolutely threw my head back in laughter at how easy it was to hit a 360ing player vs. What it normally is on console...

    The advanced techniques are beyond your reach on console, the fact you can't use your proprioception to help you get those really tight clutch hits on a pad like you can on a mouse makes it so you can't reach the same levels but 95% of the time, pad will serve you fine.

  • Member Posts: 3,013

    In my opinion killer is so much worse on controller overall.

    Survivors spinning you is so much more effective.

    Flashlights are more effective.

    In general your response speed is very limited with the sticks than it is with a mouse and i think killer is pretty dependant on reacting fast.

    However i did find that i had more success as the hillbilly and the oni on a controller because i found it easier to be much more accurate with their power.

    But yeah, i was gonna move to ps5 but i had way too much frustration as killer on there so i am back on PC.

    They really should focus on improving the controller experience.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    As long as a DPI mouse is a thing there's no way a killer could do the exact same on console, the sensitivity just isnt there and it shows on killers like oni and blight because there's certain techs that aren't possible on controller, people still can get really close to achieving them but not as smooth or accurate as a mouse and keyboard

  • Member Posts: 6,344
  • Member Posts: 8,864

    Yeah... as someone who started on PC, the amount of time I wiff when trying to hit ppl while playing on console is kinda embarrassing. Was a rare occasion on PC.

  • Applicant Posts: 18

    To my knowledge every tech on Blight is possible on controller/console

  • Member Posts: 81

    Yes although console can do a lot of the important techs although they are much more difficult on there, pc will always be better because of ease of use and accuracy

  • Member Posts: 192

    Yes it's different. Ignore anyone who says it's not.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    It's possible so I guess I worded that wrong but some of the techs even the best players are unlikely to pull them off with consistency on a controller just due to the way the powers work, I used those killers as an example because it's obvious when they're on PC with a cracked mouse it's a pretty big difference in my opinion

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    They are both capable of everything a PC player can do imo.

    The only thing Console and PC are both capable of doing is having severe fame drops for doing simple actions.

    For survivor, yeah, they can pretty much do as much as a survivor on PC can, despite being able to uncap FPS and use filters to make their game not stupidly dark and dull in color.

    But killer is an entirely different story. Mechanically-demanding killers (with an exception of Huntress) have an intensely lower skillcap on console compared to PC due to limitations of a controller and simply because dbd is a horribly optimized game. Blight, Oni, Wesker and more that I can name are nerfed by default because they aren't console friendly killers whatsoever.

  • Member Posts: 3,941
    edited July 2023

    One thing I will say in consoles favour, purely from a mental point of view, because you can't play to the same level as you can on a mouse and keyboard, I find I play console with a much more chill mindset.

    The goal for me isn't really to win, it's to give the survivors a good chase and try to make a game of if. I tend to go serious for the first half of the game, and if I'm losing I'll knuckle up and start being more brutal... but if i get a DC/SoH, or I'm absolutely crushing a group of bambies, I'll ease off the gas and usually let 1 escape, sometimes 2, or occasionally 3/4 if I'm already gone up a tier on the season.

    For some reason being on console doesn't fire the super competative sweaty part of my brain, so if you're not too arsed about going diehard for the win/4k, consoles is actually a little more fun and laid back compared to have to go hard in the paint all the time on PC...

  • Member Posts: 6,344

    Not if it requires timing. The half-second or so input delay robs so many things.

    It's the main reason hardly no one on console runs Hag, as you are missing most of your teleport swings, which apparently are instant with a mouse wheel bind. It hinders those quick hatchet throws/shots over and through things with Huntress or Deathslinger. It's how you somehow miss more than you should with Oni's power, or Pyramidhead's too. This problem is worsened on the older consoles.

    Players can practice their butts off with most killers and they will become skilled with them, but so many simply cannot be run to their full potential.

    And then there's Trickster. He is the one killer I consider truly unplayable with a controller on console, and I'm not alone in that assessment.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    There’s a rather vast difference in skill ceiling for many killers on PC compared to console. Any killer that requires precision will be exponentially easier on PC than console. You’re aiming with your thumb compared to your whole arm, the difference in precision is exponential.

    If only bHVR added actual controller settings after 7 years of the game being out…

  • Applicant Posts: 18
    edited July 2023

    All I said is that they are all possible, which they are. What you've said is true but changes the statement in no way. Still some interesting points you make, although they vary based on several factors.

  • Member Posts: 637

    Nintendo switch user here, reading comments and wondering what paradise other people are in lol

  • Member Posts: 21,214

    Eh, I don't have trouble keeping up with PC Survivors.

    Perhaps I just haven't gone against the best yet.

  • Member Posts: 3,482

    Probably not but then again I have never played a game on PC. But playing with mouse and keybord sounds tedious so stick to console.

  • Member Posts: 6,344

    To that list I'd add no representation in the Fog Whisperer program.

    I'm under no allusions about them being basically a store front for new game content, but the fact that no consoler can even apply, knowing we're the larger playerbase by a long shot, is rediculous to me.

  • Member Posts: 6,141

    That's interesting, I had no idea. I know of some Fog Whisperers who use a controller but do play on the PC. I wonder if it's so they can show PTB stuff.

  • Member Posts: 675

    DPI does help a lot on blight (especially if you run adri vial for the return of the J flick) but you did answer your own question there and admit it is a lot harder (which it is). For you since you have only known console you probably wont notice it especially given your hours are decent. But if I a PC player was to go to controller I would have an absolutely miserable time.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Thats why i always use Mouse and Keyboard together.

    Using them separetely feels... weird.

  • Member Posts: 1,210
    edited July 2023

    Just play one game with low graphics and another with high/ultra settings on the same dark map. Not even talking about filters. On console we can't change anything when it comes to graphics (colour blindness mode doesn't really help here). That's the biggest difference for me. And i don't get why we still don't have ingame brightness settings nor a graphic/performance mode.

  • Member Posts: 6,344

    It is because everything they do is through Steam, so even those on Windows or Epic cannot participate in the PTB or the Fog Whisperers, let alone the consoles. Just Steam.

  • Member Posts: 163

    It still really makes no sense why they don't have mkb for console players. It's not hard to program. If Warframe can have console mkb support, BHVR can too.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636
  • Member Posts: 6,556

    they did say the most relatable thing for most console players.

    but on topic... there is no question. it is. it just is.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    Or even just controller optimization; even that much would be nice.

    I actually prefer controller for survivor, and for most killers the difference is negligible (aside from 360s and aim dressing BS), but there are a few killers I would like to play on console that are just kneecapped on controller and I won't even bother trying anymore (Oni/Blight), and a few that are still playable but at a decided disadvantage (Huntress, pretty much any projectile killer).

    I have a Steam DBD account, but started playing on Playstation and simply can't stomach starting over fully on PC after 3K+ hours.

    Hoping without any real expectation for cross progression.

  • Member Posts: 17

    the real diff from console to pc is input timing. on console it takes the same number of skill checks to wiggle out as pc if u hit all greats, but the skill checks fly back and fourth faster on pc as well as faster button input. on console if u hit the button it takes longer for the check to register in game. the end result is in real time pc players wiggle out about 1.4 seconds faster assuming the value of the skill checks are identical.

    also as a survivor pc players will make fast vaults safely where as a console player would take a hit, again assuming they were exactly identical scenarios. same with dropping pallets.

    and here is the big one, in chase a pc player taps for medkit use which registers near instantly allowing for healing in chase. this is not impossible on console but the console player will need to make a higher number of "stop n patch" than the pc player to attain a full heal. also, using a styptic agent on console is much more difficult to do effectively. trying to sabo a hook has a less chance of success in a tight scenario on console as well.

    lastly for the know-it-alls who will try to dispute this, i made a clip showcasing the power of superior hardware which confirms these things. feel free to ask for a link.

  • Member Posts: 143
    edited August 2023

    This depends entirely on the person who is playing.

    I wouldn't necessarily say console Killers are worse than PC, it's just harder and takes longer to get the hang of, especially since the customization options on console is massively limited. They don't even have deadzone settings for analog sticks.

    Will you ever be as good as a tournament level Blight who is hug teching (AKA exploiting) perfectly and hitting God shots? No, probably not.

    But frankly 99% of people wouldn't be able to do that anyway, on PC or console.

    It's not the person or the controllers fault it is relatively difficult, the game on console doesn't have aim acceleration settings, again no deadzone options, no sensitivity for aiming with Killers like Trickster/Huntress/Deathslinger, the lack of options is a massive hindrance in terms of comfort and this is entirely the Devs's fault for not taking the time to update console with quality of life for controller.

    PS; I am fully convinced many commenters in this thread are not playing at max sensitivity on console, you should NOT be having any issues with 360's or flashlight dodges when you are at max sensitivity.

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