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What perks do you have trouble playing without?

Member Posts: 1,352

I'm sure I'm not the only one that has trouble without a certain perk! Personally, I have trouble actually surviving without No Mither. Me AND my team lose so much more often when I'm not running it, both solo-queue and SWF. It absolutely baffles me

So, what are your personal "crutch" perk(s) that you have trouble playing without?

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  • Member Posts: 498

    Dead Hard, Hope, and Resilience.

    MFT to a point but I'm trying to not get attached since it might get nerfed, but the above three I refuse to play without.

  • Member Posts: 1,990

    I know what you mean. My three are Dead Hard, adrenaline, and wake up. Yeah, wake up. I never find the gates if Im chased during egc. This way I can, and I let others know. Yay teamwork!

    MFT is absolutely getting changed with all the whining. So I didnt even bother to try it out.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited July 2023

    Sprint Burst. The only exhaustion perk I've ever needed. I feel naked without it.

  • Member Posts: 979

    Balanced Landing. I just hate the stagger. Feel like the main gen on Toba is a no go without it.

  • Member Posts: 514

    lightweight and Iron will, I main Rebecca so....

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    While not any more, I really crutched on old Spinechill. Thank god it got nerfed and forced me to change.

  • Member Posts: 1,006

    Calm Spirit. I took it off once, played against a Doctor and it became basekit from then on.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Shadowborn. I feel so sluggish without it.

    Can't wait until the FoV slider gets added and I can have a 4th perk slot again :D

  • Member Posts: 186

    Windows of opportunity. I play occasionally and don't really have it in me to memorize maps.

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited July 2023

    Off The Record. it's so good and I have no idea how more people don't use it. It's huge when a proxy camping killer is trying to tunnel you. I've caused so many killers to completely throw the game trying to tunnel me because of this perk and it feels fantastic. The way it blocks aura perks and give you old iron will is great as well. So many games would be much closer if everyone ran this perk. It's going to be even better once killers are no longer able to facecamp.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    I remember when I said I would never run shadowborn as to not get addicted to it. Then I threw it on for a meme and now I have synthetically created motion sickness only when rushing on blight without shadowborn.

    So yeah, that one.

    On survivor it's windows but man mft feels good, it will without a doubt get nerfed due to how strong it is though. It could lose the endurance part and still be S tier. Old me would be so shocked.

  • Member Posts: 92

    In soloqueue, Bond and Kindred

  • Member Posts: 393

    I also run Kindred and have recently switched Bond for Empathy. You should give it a try. It is the best aura perk for knowing where the killer is as you see when somebody gets injured and can see if they are still in chase and where. It’s so good.

  • Member Posts: 15,095


  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Windows for sure. I cannot run a decent chase without it.

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    the classic soloq band aids: kindred, bond, woo and deja vu

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    Whispers. Even though I can't say it gets great value every match, just knowing where they aren't feels so invaluable in the early game.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I still feel incredibly blind without Kindred. I have accepted it's down to a cosmic diceroll if others will even care about what it tells them when I'm on the hook, but being able to see that someone else is going for that save or that person over there is acting like they're in chase/hiding from a nearby killer so I should go do something is just so good.

    Please make it possible to tell if it's just you that have Kindred, or if both you and the guy on the hook has it. Knowing if everyone else can see what I can see would be very handy information thanks 👍️

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Aftercare. Playing without it makes me feel as blind and lost as I did as a 2h player.

  • Member Posts: 6,129

    I change my perks up all the time for this reason, so there's none I'd say I crutch on, but Overcome is definitely my favourite exhaustion perk so I have it equipped alot.

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    Windows as many maps got very dark on console without any ingame settings.

    It's like playing on 'ultra' with no filters. Hard to believe, right? Try it out yourself!

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Empathy is one of the most underrated survivor perks, even in a swf if someone tries to explain where they're getting chased its going to take time and it may not be accurate but with empathy I know right where the action is

  • Member Posts: 141

    Corrupt Intervention, without it i feel like my earlygame is much worse.

  • Member Posts: 5,949

    Shadowborn. That one is non-negotiable.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I wouldn’t say have trouble without it but I just enjoy the comfort of lightborn.

    I don’t care about facing when picking up survivors because I’m wrapped in the warm blanket of lightborn.

    The time I most equip it though is playing infinite tombstone Myers. You be amazed how much stalk you can get off a survivor trying to blind you when you don’t have to look away.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    We’ll Make It

    0 tolerance for SoloQ’s hooked survivors who opt to flee the unhook unhealed, only to get downed less than a minute later.

    When they see that li’l WMI icon they almost always receive the speedy good heal Luvins🫶🏽

    feeling confident in their next chase😌

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    use to be corrupt for killer and windows for survivor. I rarely use either now tho

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    Plunderer's Instinct + Appraisal. So many games where I listened to what the chests told me to do and led my team to a 4 out because of it

  • Member Posts: 359

    Lethal, helps out the early game so very much

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Bond. I have been using it since 2017.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    You have to try Appraisal + Ace in the Hole! When I'm not running No Mither I am most likely running that

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    Windows Of Opprotunity.

    At first, I was just using it to learn the maps better, but I feel blind without the knowledge. The amount of times I've ran into a loop with no pallet and that's what gets me killed has cemented itself in my usual loadout.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    No idea. I think sometime this year or early next year maybe?

  • Member Posts: 6,129

    We'll Make It is great, I always use it for those heal challenges because everyone let's me heal them on the spot when they see I have it.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Bond and botany on survivor, shadowborn and enduring on killer

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    Bond or Deja Vu - I have at least one of them equipped. Usually both are to avoid bringing the killer to a 3 gen while being chased.

    Most of my perks as survivor is mostly to help my teammates. As killer I don't depend on perks I just try fun builds.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    I have terrible memory, and cannot do without Windows of Opportunity.

  • Member Posts: 256

    Windows of Opportunity. It's just soo good and even though I know pallet spawns and tiles extremely good, there is no way im going to remember which pallets my team mates were dropping.

  • Member Posts: 352

    Vigil. It helps me out of so many jams, seriously.

  • Member Posts: 675

    I got pretty good with SB and it felt weird not using it, but now I am MFT all the way.

  • Member Posts: 65

    I play on Ps4 so Iron Grasp on Killer is a must for me. Without it if a survivor has boil over(and I do seem to run into a lot maybe half my games) I may as well not even pick them up.

    As for survivor - I've recently been playing lots of different builds(which started with the random perk challenge) so I currently dont have a must have.

  • Member Posts: 98
    edited July 2023

    For survivor, Kindred, Bond, and Deja Vu are godsends. I still have trouble finding generators on indoor maps like the Executioner's map, so having Bond and Deja Vu basically erases any complications with that. And Deja Vu can also be a quick way of telling if a killer has Corrupt Intervention and where to go if so.

    For killer, Agitation and Iron Grasp are my default when I don't know what perks to slap on. I feel so slow and uncoordinated without them. And Iron Grasp is basically a middle finger to anyone running Boil Over. XD Information perks are something I struggle without. I'm trying to wean myself off of them to observe survivor habits without relying on perks, but it's not going too well, I'll admit. Heck, there are plenty of times I get bamboozled mid-chase and I'm just like, "Am I blind?"

  • Member Posts: 2,661


  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Survivor: Deja Vu feels almost necessary is soloQ and spending like 15 seconds less on gens over the course of a game feels good.

    Killer: Pain Res, gens feel like they fly without it. Not as much but i also love Nowhere to Hide it gets me so many hits that have probably turned a number of games to my favor.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    Whispers and Corrupt

    Whispers: I can't stand not knowing if there's a (or) Survivor(s) around

    Corrupt: I Still haven't gotten over not using it (Help ME)

  • Member Posts: 857

    Brutal Strength.

    Since I prefer playing M1 killers, 9 out of 10 maps feel like nothing more than pallet kicking simulator 2016.


    Anyone that claims SoloQ was improved with the HUD has no idea what they are talking about. For SoloQ, this perk is nothing short of mandatory.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    We'll make it

    I feel naked without it

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