Skull merchant has made me love playing killer again

Now before you crucify me just hear me out...she is very fun and after 8k hrs I was bored of survivor and killer but she has brought that fun feeling back for me, don't get me wrong she's very strong when it comes to 3gen but honestly I think 3gen should be somewhat viable even if she gets nerfed I'd like to see some form of her kit stay in regards to 3 gen style gameplay
Hmmm.. yep still getting crucified; you have 24 hours to delete this.
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I hope you are have fun when the next update comes out, only plays against bots, because everyone will dc
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You choose the worst time to make this post. If this isn't just a troll post.
SM is the worst thing to be released in this game, because of how most SM play, they can't even be called a killer, but the fun police.
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High-level chess is fun indeed.
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I'm very serious, I used to play killer all the time, just recently started playing her recently and I can see why people are mad especially with the 3gen game with a good DBD team however having a killer that can protect gens isn't a bad thing
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
More to dbd then just chase/loop lol I have more hours on survivor by a long shot so I understand chases can be fun however protecting gens is an objective sooo do you not want killers protecting gens or?
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There's more to playing killer then looping, the gens are an objective for killers and survivors, do you want killers to just let you do gens?
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Not Skull merchant :)
Its more an issue of 'nothing about her is fun or engaging', from both sides really. As killer, you patrol three gens. You said you liked her style like that? I'd have to ask why thats stimulating to you.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Edit: I realised you meant the killer player and not the survivors and I apologise
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You can like what you like.
I don't like her and think she makes the game worse for everyone around her, but that is my opinion.
But making this post at the same time that the news of team eternal match against a SM player.
Like worst possible time to make that post, as SM is back on everyone's hate list.
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You can protect the gens. But don't be surprised when no one wants to spend up to an hour of their limited time playing with you.
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Could've picked a better time to say this.
3-Gen SM is probably the unhealthiest thing in the game right now. It's a boring playstyle, for people who barely want to try and want easy wins.
You can like what you want, but you also can't deny she's incredibly unhealthy and in dire need of changes.
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Good for you. I support that 100% as long as you only play custom matches.
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Man the spiteful replies in this thread really unveils players for who they are.
You don’t need to apologise for having fun with a new killer even one that people may not like.
SM will probably get some changes to lessen the drag effect her 3 gen potential has but until that happens play her as you like unapologetically.
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“It’s the person not the killer.” Lol.
Skull Merchant is the only killer that punishes survivors for doing generators by design. The drones causes a one hit down. Then to remove her drone, she suffers no penalty. She returns even quicker by design and replaces the lost drone by design.
To OP: of course she’s brainlessly fun because the killer player no longer has to compete.
Its the killers design and BHVRs fault. Of course players are going to want to play with the most unfair options available. We can try to convince OP or any other player that it’s not worth playing a match against that killer regardless of skill level but the history of this game shows that players always gravitate to these kinds of playstyles. Often because of the criticisms.
Prayer Beads Spirit. Forever Freddy. Forever Mend Legion. Instasaw Hillbilly. BHVR was told how unfair this was and it took streamers basically doing a collective news report to garner any attention.
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I’m sorry but where is the fun in playing Skull Karen?
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Personally I hate the 3 gen setup SM's, but when I play her I love the stealth potential she can bring. Sprinkle drones across RPD and use the blind/oblivious addons, have one keep an eye on the Third Seal totem, and kick gens with Trail of Torment once everyone has Third Seal applied, and ambush gens with Fearmonger to make sure everyone is blinded.
The Trail of Torment buff will make this even better.
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I guess you could say, she makes you feel like you play chess as a killer.
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I'm also a Skull Merchant main, I have over 10k hours on her (about 17 games).
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Haste and Hindered addons, drop drones at loops for chases, drop them at choke points to moniter movement. Play as an M1 killer with some lower-tier Clown style chase slowdown and the occasional exposed and map info. Doesn't work well against high mmr survivors but does fine mid to low mmr. Plenty of fun. Just have to not take the more boring path of least resistance just for the sake of winning.
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I agree I like playing her because she's consistent, I get infinite hate for playing SM and legion because consistent killers are not fun at all for survivors, it's the big flaw of Dbd if one side is having fun other side has to suffer
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I only play in public games
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In that case, no offense but I hope you don't play too much. Because I don't want to end up playing against you. And I wouldn't wish that on anyone else for that matter.
Nothing personal, but playing against Dull Merchant makes me want to bang my head against a wall.
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Maybe dbd isn't for you then? Bc that's not normal lol no offense, I play to have fun 🤷♀️
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Well its either the fact that its fun to see survivors give up vs her immediately or they like seeing survivors suffer from boredom
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I had a SM match that was almost 50 minutes long last night. She didn't even bother hooking just slugging and patrolling gens until survivors bled out. It would have lasted even longer if my last teammate didn't sacrifice themselves so I could get hatch. SM needs to be reworked and killswitched until that happens.
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underrated comment
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I like the pressure she puts on survivors, yes it can be a slow fight but I do go for chases, but I also patrol gens as well...she's just a very strong killer tbh plus I love her aesthetic
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Stepping in with a reminder to keep comments civil, please. It's ok if you don't agree with others, but please, let's not accuse people of "trolling" or be unnecessarily/overly negative toward others for their opinions or things they like about the game that do not break the rules.
To note as well, matches lasting very long stretches of time where a side is not progressing the game can be considered Griefing (holding the game hostage), and reportable, as noted in the Game Rules.
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I think there's a difference tho if someone is chasing survivors/hitting and hooking while also applying pressure to gens while yes some people can grief it's also important to note that just because a game lasts a long time doesn't mean your griefing, some games just last a long time and that's ok as long as your playing the game and not trying to grief and I think it's important to point it out
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I'd say 31/32nd are for me. It's just this 1 little thing that I absolutely despise.
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yeah that is pretty funny.
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Ya know I despise a lot in DBD to lol I'm a survivor main and rarely play killer, I did pick a horrible time to start playing SM but I'm glad I have...but yea your not going to enjoy everything in a game and that's ok!! Like I said above the problem is map design not SM specifically lol in no way should two gens be within arms length like they are now and I agree with that 100% but we shouldn't nerf a killer into oblivion bc of it ...when they do nerf her I hope they buff her in certain ways Because I do enjoy playing her and it's be a shame to see such a cool killer be destroyed
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You have my respect for making a post like this I am almost certain half of the people who have read this post want to strangle you.
While I absoloutly despise SM that is the devs fault and I learned a long time ago that people like different things and styles in games like this.
While I cannot get SM in good consience given how much I hate the game when I go against her.
No one deserves to be hated for having an opinion.
Play her until order is restored and this demon we call the skull merchant is fixed hopefully in a fun way for everyone that is not boring.
But do at least be understanding when survivors dc.
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it'll be a good riddance
hopefully she gets nuked from orbit then buried and forgotten.
unless a miracle happens and they could actually rework her to a fun killer somehow.
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I am sorry to ask, but i don't understand what do you define as "holding the game hostage", it feels kinda vague. Like is a killer doing a 3 gen build and slowing a match to crawl where it takes more than 30 min griefing? Is it only griefing if they aren't progressing the game, like getting hooks, do getting downs and bleeding everyone griefing?
Second, the report system feels kinda useless. Idk if it's even working, as i play on console. So i have no idea if i am just wasting time. I think i heard about a feedback function coming to the game, but after a few games against cheaters, i have given up on that feature, kinda like the quality of match grade that i also don't know what it does.
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Im pretty sure people hate SM more then the old, old distance DH.
And that, my friends, is one hell of a feat.
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You are probably right. They did the impossible
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I've had "3-gen" situations where the generator were actually far apart, but the survivors kept leaving the generators at the first hint of a terror radius. And they would be long gone from the generators when I got there. Some 3-gen situations are also the fault of the survivors.
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This is sadly the state of the DBD community.
Play something someone doesn't like, you are literally the worst person in the world to them. Everyone feels entitled for the game to cater to their desires and everyone else just has to deal with it.
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This is with anything ever though. Entitled people will be in anything requiring more people than themselves. Pretty sure this is human, and not something that will be going away anytime soon lol.