My Made Up Killer For Dead By Daylight

funsumme Member Posts: 58
edited July 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

The Chef:

9,000 Iridescent Shards 500 Auric Cells

Difficulty: Moderate

A ergonomic Killer, able to lockdown objectives and areas with his power Control Lockdown for a easier way to catch Survivors.

His personal perks, Devastating Hope, Scourge Hook: Erie Pain, and Hex: Death Chamber allows him to damage generators, recover faster, and expose Survivors.

Control Lockdown: POWER

The Chef is a ambassador of locking down objectives and areas such as Pallets, Windows, and Generators.


Tap the ability next to a Pallet, Window, or a Generator to block it from not being able to be to used for the next 20 Seconds. The ability has 9 Seconds of a Cooldown for it not able to be used, the ability only has 5 uses for the remainder of the trial.


Hold down the second ability button to run at a 4.8m/s with your limit amount of stamina under your ability. The stamina bar recharges 1.4 seconds and loses stamina by 7%, if you run out of stamina The Chef will have a tantrum for 1 second.


Devastating Hope:

One more or another there will be no more surprises.

When you kick a generator the first time the perk activates and, then when you kick another generator afterwards the next generator that you have kicked will lose 10%/14%/18% of it progress.

This perk deactivates after kicking a generator.

This perk doesn’t combine with other perks that damage generators.

This perk has a 60 second cooldown.

Scourge Hook: Erie Pain:

The overwhelming of the sense of someone involved with death.

At the start of the match you have 4 tokens and, up to 4 random hooks are changed into scourge hooks. You see their aura in white.

When you hook a Survivor on a scourge hook you will recover from attacks by 9%/18%/24% the perk activates when you are 17 meters away from the scourge hook.

Once you hook a Survivor on one of the scourge hooks. You will lose 1 token when the Survivor gets unhooked. Once there is no more tokens left the perk deactivates.

Hex: Death Camber:


Once you down a Survivor, within 16 meters range around them suffer the exposed status effect for 5/10/15 seconds.

Exposed makes Survivors go into the dying state






The Chef as the urge to kill anyone that is invading his home all he wants is to protect and serve food to his family members who live in the farm house. One day a felt urge that someone is invading his lovely home again, but then something terrible happened. A strange black fog sweet in the sky of the air of his family home, it took him by surprise and gave him a strange sense of a vision that someone or some who will ever come and invade his family ever again!

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