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[PC] Crashing during lobby and mid game

I don't have any video/picture proof since it happens out of nowhere but since logging on this morning (July 26th, 2023) my game has been randomly crashing during pregame lobby or mid game.
Though my internet is fantastic I restarted it anyways, verified my files on steam, restarted my PC and it still happens. It crashes my entire game and steam as well so I'm not entirely sure if its a steam issue or DBD server issue. Also to mention the first and second time I crashed I got a 45s + 5min penalty but the last 2 crashes happened so abruptly I don't think the game recognized what happened and I didn't get a penalty for it.
Please let me know if you need anything further from me and hope all this info helps!
[Edited: I also am aware Cenobite was disabled because he was causing games to crash but in the 6 games I crashed, none of the killers were a Cenobite. I also restarted my game when he got disabled. I also played a game and finally got a crash report I'm posting under this. This was in the middle of looping a Onyro on Gideon's Meat Plant.]